On Jan. 23, 1984, Decorations Law Enforcement Decree #11336 was issued. The basic appearance of the Merit Medals had not changed; however, the dimensions have changed. In general, all the Merit Medals are 10 mm larger in their overall size. The ribbon is now 100 mm high x 38 mm wide, with the center stripe being 3 mm wide. All the merit medals have a 38 × 10 mm ribbon bar and a 12 × 8 mm Lapel pin. The stripes on the ribbon bar are the same size as the ribbon. The stripes on the lapel pin mimic the ribbon. The edge stripes are 4.5 mm each and the center stripe is 1 mm in size. There is nothing in the legislation to explain why the total width of the stripes do not match the legislated width of the lapel pin.
On Jan. 28, 2000, a Merit Medal for Science and Technology 과학기술포장 (科學技術褒章) was created under Decorations Law #6342 on Jan. 8, 2001. It became effective under Decorations Law Enforcement Decree #17183 on Mar. 31, 2001. Before the creation of the Science and Technology Order and Merit Medal, the government had some problems in selecting the correct Medal for the recipient. In general, the Civil Merit Medal and the Industrial Service Merit Medal were used. There were no changes to any of the other Merit Medals.
The Merit Medals are listed by their precedence as established on Jan. 28, 2000.
- National Foundation Merit Medal 건국포장 (建國褒章). The ribbon is (scarlet) red 적색 with a white 백색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 52g in weight.
- Civil Merit Medal 국민포장 (國民褒章). The ribbon is yellow 황색 with a green 녹색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 32g in weight.
- Military Merit Medal 무공포장 (武功褒章). The ribbon is red 적색 with a white 백색 center stripe. There is no rosette on the drape. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 35.5g in weight.
- Service Merit Medal 근정포장 (勤政褒章). The ribbon is orange 주황색 with a red 적색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 34.5g in weight.
- Reserve Forces Merit Medal 예비군포장 (豫備軍褒章). The ribbon is purple 자주색 with a white 백색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 33.5g in weight.
- National Security Merit Medal 보국포장 (保國褒章). The ribbon color is yellow 황색 with a white 백색 center stripe. There is no rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 33.5g in weight.
- Diplomatic Service Merit Medal 수교포장 (修交褒章). The ribbon is pink 담홍색 with a 진갈색 dark brown center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 44.5g in weight.
- Industrial Service Merit Medal 산업포장 (産業褒章). The ribbon is sky blue (azure) 하늘색 with a yellow 황색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 40.5g in weight.
- Saemaeul Service Merit Medal 새마을포장. The ribbon is light green 연두색 with a red 적색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 33.5g in weight.
- Culture Merit Medal 문화포장 (文化褒章). The ribbon is white 백색 with a red 적색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 34g in weight.
- Sport Merit Medal 체육포장 (體育褒章). The ribbon is orange 주황색 with a green 연두색 center stripe and a rosette. There is a size variation from the 1973 Series. The pendant is described as 50 mm wide at 32.5g in weight.
- Science and Technology Merit Medal 과학기술포장 (科學技術褒章). The pendant is described as 50 mm wide and weighing 55g. The ribbon is blue-purple 청보라색 with a white 백색 stripe.

건국포장 (建國褒章)

국민포장 (國民褒章)

무공포장 (武功褒章)

체육포장 (體育褒章)

예비군포장 (豫備軍褒章)

보국포장 (保國褒章)

수교포장 (修交褒章)

산업포장 (産業褒章)


문화포장 (文化褒章)

체육포장 (體育褒章)

과학기술포장 (科學技術褒章)