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Korea of the Japanese

Most Koreans view the historical period from 1905 through to the end of the Japanese Colonial regime in 1945 with great disdain. They feel that the Japanese systematically and ruthlessly plundered their country, while Koreans on the whole tried desperately to resist. This black-and-white interpretation of Korean history is often referred to as a “Nationalist (or Patriotic) Paradigm.” It will soon be eighty years since the end of the colonial period, and the vast majority of Koreans alive today have no first-hand experience with the Japanese. However, this “Nationalist Paradigm” has not lost its momentum in Korea. Ch’inilp’a 친일파 (親日派 lit. “Pro-Japan faction”) is a derogatory Korean term that denotes ethnic Koreans who collaborated with Imperial Japan. Currently, the South Korean government is going after the assets gained by Ch’inilp’a during the Japanese colonial period.

I know I am going to get some flak on this subject, but there are a number of very interesting Korean/Japanese Medals.