The following information is taken from the Korean Red Cross Awards Operational Regulations 대한적십자사포상운영규정 (Apr. 1, 2018 Revision) . The regulation was originally created on Aug. 26, 19751 and has been amended 22 times.2 I have copies of both the 20203 and 2022 Awards Operational Regulations; however, I present here the 2018 regulations primarily because the Korean Red Cross Blood Donor Medals of Merit were discontinued in 2022. These were the most widely distributed medals that the Korean Red Cross had. It is my understanding that they prefer to give out trinkets, such as towels, pens, flash drives, etc.
The Korean Red Cross awards medals to those who have made significant contributions to the realization of the humanitarian philosophy and business development of the Korean Red Cross. All awarded medals come with a Certificate of Merit. Supplementary Prizes may be conferred with medals. These Supplementary Prizes are generally in the form of a wristwatch or pen. When a Medal is lost or damaged, it may be reissued for a fee at the request of the award recipient, his/her bereaved family, or his/her representative. Medals issued pursuant to the Korean Red Cross Awards Operational Regulations must be recorded in the reward ledger. There are lists of recipients for a considerable number of Red Cross issued medals available online, but not all Red Cross medals are serial numbered and traceable.
Don’t be surprised when you notice that those awards that come in both a Gold and Silver Class often have ribbon colors that are identical with the Gold and Silver Classes from other awards.
The Types of Rewards are as follows 포상의 종류는 다음과 같다:
- The Highest Medals of the Korean Red Cross 적십자대장
- Red Cross Humanity Medal 적십자인도장
- Red Cross Philanthropy Medal 적십자박애장
- Red Cross Volunteer Medal 적십자봉사장
- Red Cross Membership Medals of Merit 적십자회원유공장
- Red Cross Blood Donor Medals of Merit 적십자헌혈유공장
- Red Cross (Emperor) Kwangmu Medal 적십자광무장
- Red Cross Youth Leadership Medals of Merit (RCY 지도유공장)
- Red Cross Volunteer Medal of Merit 적십자자원봉사유공장
The Highest Medals of the Korean Red Cross 적십자대장
Mugunghwa Medal 무궁화장

The Mugunghwa Medal is the most important Red Cross Medal. It is awarded to the Honorary Chairman of Headquarters, Foreign Heads of State, Chief Representative of the International Organization of the Red Cross and others of equivalent status to the above.
Ban Ki-moon 반기문 (潘基文) was awarded the Red Cross Mugunghwa Medal on Aug. 18, 2009. He was Secretary-General of the United Nations from Jan. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2016.
The Pendant is described as 62 mm. The silk sash is 1800 mm long by 80 mm wide. The stripes are: Green 5 mm, Yellow 10 mm, Green 50 mm, Yellow 10 mm and Green 5 mm. The Breast Star is 70 mm. The ribbon bar is 38 mm × 10 mm. Last revision 2008.4.1
The medal is serial numbered and traceable. There have been 15 recipients from 1975 to 2005.
Taeguk Medal 태극장

Pre-2008 revision?

The Taeguk is awarded to the Honorary Vice President of Headquarters and Foreign Award, Former Head Office Presidents, Presidents of Foreign Red Cross Societies, Secretary-General of the International Organization of the Red Cross and others of equivalent status to the above.
The pendant is described as 65 mm. The sash is 1800 mm long by 80 mm wide. The stripes are: Blue 5 mm, Yellow 10 mm, Blue 50 mm, Yellow 10 mm and Blue 5 mm. The Breast Star is 70 mm. The ribbon bar is 38 mm × 10 mm. Last revision 2008.4.1
The medal is serial numbered and traceable. There have been 59 recipients from 1975 to 2006.
Red Cross Humanity Medal 적십자인도장
Gold & Silver Medals 금장 과 은장

The Red Cross Humanity Medal comes in two classes: Gold and Silver. However, there is no information on what criteria separates one from the other. In general, the Guidance Medal is awarded to those who fall under one of the following subparagraphs by contributing to the alleviation and prevention of human suffering.
- A person who has made outstanding contributions to the protection of human life and fundamental rights based on the spirit of the Geneva Conventions
- Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promoting mutual understanding and permanent peace between mankind and compatriots
The pendants for both the Gold and Silver Medals are 42 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted on 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravats. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. Both Medals come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars.
The medal is serial numbered and traceable. From 1975 to 2006, there have been 38 recipients of the Gold Class and 6 recipients of the Silver Class.
Red Cross Philanthropy Medal 적십자박애장
Gold & Silver Medals 금장 과 은장

I will post better pictures as soon as I can find some.

The Red Cross Philanthropy Medal comes in two classes: Gold and Silver. However, there is no information on what criteria separates one from the other. In general, the Red Cross Philanthropy Medal is awarded to those who fall under the following subparagraphs by demonstrating their love for humanity in a fair and unbiased manner.
- A person who has made outstanding contributions to saving lives in danger or promoting safety,
- A person who has made outstanding contributions to the promotion of the welfare of the underprivileged.
Both the Gold and Silver pendants are 42 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravats. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. Both come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars.
The medal is serial numbered and traceable. From 1975 to 2006, there have been 43 recipients of the Gold Class and 42 recipients of the Silver Class.
Red Cross Volunteer Medal 적십자봉사장
Gold & Silver Medals 금장 과 은장

The Red Cross Volunteer Service Medal comes in two classes: Gold and Silver. However, there is no information on what criteria separates one from the other. In general, the Red Cross Volunteer Service Medal is awarded to someone who serves with a pure spirit without any desire for profit and is awarded to those who fall under any of the following subparagraphs.
- A person who has a long-term commitment to the Red Cross project and is an outstanding example for others
- A person who has outstanding achievements in arranging the Red Cross project fund or cooperating to successfully carry out the Red Cross project and is a role model for others.
Both the Gold and Silver pendants are 42 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravats. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. Both come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars.
The medal is serial numbered and traceable. From 1975 to 2006, there have been 50 recipients of the Gold Class and 117 recipients of the Silver Class.
Red Cross Membership Medals of Merit 적십자회원유공장

The Red Cross Membership Medals of Merit are awarded to those individuals or organizations, who have made a great contribution to raising funds for the Red Cross and have set a good example for others. It is divided into the Highest Honorary, Honorary, Highest Honor, Honor, Gold, and Silver Medals.
The Red Cross Honors Club 등재 기준 has fundraising requirements for membership, these are not the same requirements for the medals. The Honors Club requirements are:
- Partner Club : Accumulated donations of 50 million won or more 누적금액 5천만원 이상
- President Club : Accumulated donations over 100 million won 누적금액 1억원 이상
- Bronze Club : Accumulated donations over 500 million won 누적금액 5억원 이상
- Silver Club : Accumulated donations over 1 billion won 누적금액 10억원 이상
- Gold Club : Accumulated donations over 3 billion won 누적금액 30억원 이상
- President’s Honor Club : Accumulated donations over 5 billion won 누적금액 50억원 이상
Highest Honorary Medal of Merit 최고명예대유공장

Awarded for raising funds for cumulative donation totals of 500 million won or more (5억원 이상).
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is Green 2 mm, Yellow 7 mm, Green 20 mm, Yellow 7 mm and Green 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar.
Honorary Medal of Merit 명예대유공장

Awarded for raising funds for cumulative donation totals of 100 million won or more but less than 500 million won (1억원 이상 5억원 미만).
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar.
Highest Honor Medal of Merit 최고명예유공장

Awarded for raising funds for cumulative donation totals of 50 million won to less than 100 million won (5천만원이상 1억원 미만).
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar.
Honor Medal of Merit 명예유공장

Awarded for raising funds for cumulative donation totals of 10 million won to less than 50 million won (1천만원 이상 5천만원 미만).
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is blue 2 mm, yellow 7 mm, blue 20 mm, yellow 7 mm and blue 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar.
Gold & Silver Medals of Merit 금장 과 은유공장

Gold and Silver Membership Medals
The Gold Class is awarded for cumulative donation totals of 5 million to less than 10 million won (5백만원 이상 1천만원 미만). The Silver Class is awarded for cumulative donation totals of 3 million won to less than 5 million won (누적 기부금액 3백만원 이상 5백만원 미만).
Both the Gold and Silver pendants are 37 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted 50 mm x 38 mm silk breast ribbons. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal ribbon is green 6 mm, white 26 mm and green 6 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal ribbon is blue 6 mm, white 26 mm and blue 6 mm. Both come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars.
Red Cross Blood Donor Medals of Merit 적십자헌혈유공장
On Dec. 1, 1965, the Korean Red Cross held its first blood donation campaign. The Red Cross Blood Donor Medals of Merit are awarded to those who devotedly contribute to the blood donation project and set an example for others. The Korean Red Cross does not differentiate between awards for donating plasma, platelets, red cells, or whole blood. Certificates of Recognition are issued with each medal awarded. The Red Cross Blood Donor Medals of Merit were discontinued on Jan. 1, 2022.4

Highest Honorary Medal of Merit 최고명예대유공장

The Highest Honorary Medal is awarded for donating more than 300 times.
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is green 2 mm, yellow 7 mm, green 20 mm, yellow 7 mm and green 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Sept. 1, 2015.
Honorary Medal of Merit 명예대유공장

The Honorary Medal is awarded for donating more than 200 times.
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Sept. 1, 2015.
Highest Honor Medal of Merit 명예유공장

The Highest Honor Medal is awarded for donating more than 100 times.
The pendant is 55 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is blue 2 mm, yellow 7 mm, blue 20 mm, yellow 7 mm and blue 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Sept. 1, 2015.
Gold & Silver Medals of Merit 금장 과 은유공장

In 1989, Silver and Gold Blood Donation Medals were established. The Gold Medal is awarded for donating more than 50 times, and the Silver Medal is awarded for donating more than 30 times.
Both the Gold and Silver pendants are 40 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted 50 mm x 38 mm silk cravats. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and Yellow 2 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. Both come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars. This award was revised on Sept. 1, 2015.
Red Cross Kwangmu5 Medal 적십자광무장(1)
Gold & Silver Medals of Merit 금장 과 은유공장

The Red Cross Kwangmu Medal was created on Jan. 1, 1993. It comes in two classes: Gold and Silver. However, there is no information on what criteria separates one from the other. The Red Cross Kwangmu Medal is awarded to those who retire from their posts who have made great contributions as officers, members, and employees of the Korean Red Cross and set a good example for others.
This medal is named after the Korean Emperor Kwangmu 광무제 (光武帝), who many regard as the last legitimate Emperor of the Korean Empire. He was also responsible for originally establishing the Red Cross in Korea.
Both the Gold and Silver pendants are 40 mm in size. Both pendants are mounted 50 mm x 38 mm silk cravats. The stripe pattern for the Gold Medal cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and Yellow 2 mm. The stripe pattern for the Silver Medal cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. Both come with 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bars. This award was created on Jan. 1, 1993.
The medal is purportedly serial numbered and traceable in at least the gold Class. From 1975 to 2006, there have been 61 recipients of the Gold Class. No list is available for the Silver Class.
Red Cross Youth Leadership Medals of Merit (RCY 지도유공장)

The Korean Red Cross Society is known for its strong Red Cross Youth (RCY) programs.
They have more than 200,000 Youth members who are usually students (elementary to college) roughly between the age of 8 and their early twenties. Most of them are part of an RCY club at their respective schools and are mentored by their school teachers who volunteer as RCY advisors. Their RCY activities are tailored towards these members and are focused on volunteerism; basic health awareness; social inclusion and global interaction; and education, including education about the Movement. (Taken almost verbatim from the Korean Red Cross Website.)
The RCY Leadership Medals of Merit are awarded to those who have made great contributions to the expansion of the RCY Association and the guidance of members as RCY leaders, and are divided into ‘Gold Medal’, ‘Silver Medal’, ‘Bronze Medal’ and ‘Honorary Medal’.
The Red Cross Youth Leadership Gold Class Medal was created on Nov. 1, 2004. A Silver Class and an Honorary Class were added on Dec. 1, 2012. A Bronze Class was added on Apr. 1, 2018.
Gold Medal of Merit 금유공장

A “Gold Medal” is awarded to those who have 20 or more years of experience in RCY guidance.
The pendant is 40 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is yellow 2 mm, red 7 mm, yellow 20 mm, red 7 mm and yellow 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was revised on Apr. 1, 2018.
Silver Medal of Merit 은유공장

A “Silver Medal” is awarded to those who have 10 or more years of experience in RCY guidance.
The pendant is 40 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is light purple 2 mm, blue 7 mm, light purple 20 mm, blue 7 mm and light purple 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Dec. 1, 2012 and revised on Apr. 1, 2018.
Bronze Medal of Merit 동장유공장

A “Bronze Medal” is awarded to those who have 5 or more years of experience in RCY guidance.
The pendant is 40 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is white 2 mm, blue 7 mm, white 20 mm, blue 7 mm and white 2 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Apr. 1, 2018.
Honorary Medal of Merit 명예유공장

An “Honorary Medal” is awarded to a person who retires as a person of merit in RCY guidance.
The pendant is 40 mm in size and is mounted on a 600 mm x 38 mm silk cravat. The stripe pattern for the cravat is green 6 mm, yellow 3 mm, green 20 mm, yellow 3 mm and green 6 mm. The medal comes with a 38 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. This award was created on Dec. 1, 2012 and revised on Apr. 1, 2018.
Red Cross Volunteer Medals of Merit 적십자자원봉사유공장

The Red Cross Volunteer Medals of Merit are awarded to volunteers who set a good example for others by participating in volunteer activities. The volunteer medals are divided into Highest Honorary Medal, Honorary Medal, Highest Honor Medal, Honor Medal and a Gold Medal. This group of Awards were created on Apr. 1, 2011 and partially revised on Apr. 1, 2018. All the volunteer medals in this series come on a 500 mm x 35 mm silk cravat. The basic ribbon color is yellow. There are six 2 mm red stripes, with three on each side of the center. The center stripe is white and is 3 mm wide. All the awards in this series come with a 35 mm x 10 mm ribbon bar. All the pendants in this series are 47 mm in size.
Highest Honorary Medal of Merit 최고명예대유공장

The Highest Honorary Medal is awarded to those who have more than 30,000 hours of volunteer work.
This award was revised on Apr. 1, 2018.
Honorary Medal of Merit 명예대유공장

The Honorary Medal is awarded to those who have more than 20,000 hours of volunteer work.
Highest Honor Medal of Merit 최고명예유공장

The Highest Honor Medal is awarded to those who have more than 15,000 hours of volunteer work.
This award was created on Apr. 1, 2018.
Honor Medal of Merit 명예유공장

The Honor Medal is awarded to those who have more than 10,000 hours of volunteer work.
This award was revised on Apr. 1, 2018.
The reverse inscription is in five lines:
- 적십자자원봉사유공장 Red Cross Volunteer Medal of Merit
- 명예유 Honor
- 10,000시간 10,000 Hours
- 제 X 흐 Serial Number (I did not include the original serial number to protect the recipient.)
- 대한적십자사 총재 President of the Korean Red Cross
Gold Medal of Merit 금유공장

The Gold Medal is awarded to those who have more than 5,000 hours of volunteer work.
This award was created on Apr. 1, 2018.
- Effective Sept. 1, 1975
- It has been revised 24 times as of Jan. 1, 2022
- The 2020 document as presented on the Korean Red Cross website is not readable
- 대한적십자사포상운영규정 (개정 2022. 1. 1) Korean Red Cross Awards Operational Regulations (Revision 2022.1.1)
- Kojong (고종, 高宗)(b. Sept. 8, 1852 – d. Jan. 21, 1919), was the King of Korea from 1864 to 1897 and the first Emperor of Korea from 1897 until 1907. He is known posthumously as the Emperor Kwangmu (광무제, 光武帝). The Japanese, after forcing Emperor Kwangmu to abdicate in 1907, placed his son Sunjong on the throne. Sunjong (순종, 純宗)(b. Mar. 25, 1874, – d. Apr. 24, 1926) also called Emperor Yunghui (융희제, 隆熙帝) ruled from 1907 until the coerced annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910. Years earlier, on Sept. 11, 1898, an attempt was made to assassinate the Korean royal family by poisoning their evening coffee. As a result of severe poisoning, Sunjong was not up to the task of Kingship and was easily manipulated by the Japanese. Many Koreans feel that Kojong’s sudden death in 1919 was the result of being poisoned by the Japanese, and many regard King Kojong as being the last legitimate King of Korea.