Bonus payment regulations for exemplary public officials 모범공무원에대한상여금지급규정
Presidential Decree No. 5774, enacted August 31, 1971 set up a bonus of 5,000 ₩ Won per month for three years. However, there is nothing in the legislation which indicates that there was any physical acknowledgement other than a Bonus Certificate 상여금증서.
Civil Servant Commendation Medal 모범공무원규정 (模範公務員規程 )

On Jan. 15, 1980, Presidential Decree #6971 “Exemplary Public Servant Regulations” abolished Decree #5774. I am not sure of why, but the Korean government issued a new Presidential Decree with the same number. Under this new Decree, awardees continued to receive 5,000 ₩ won bonuses and additional points in their evaluation for promotion. This Decree also established a wood and metal paperweight to be given to the awardee. I refer to the award as a paperweight because there is no suspension mechanism by which to hang it, or any way to display it in a vertical position.
The two different Presidential Decrees with identical Decree numbers (#6971) and enactment dates, are:
- Bonus payment Regulations for exemplary public officials 모범공무원에대한상여금지급규정 [시행 1973. 12. 1.] [대통령령 제6971호, 1973. 12. 28., 타법폐지]
- Model civil servant regulations 모범공무원규정 [시행 1973. 12. 1.] [대통령령 제6971호, 1973. 12. 28., 제정]

On Feb. 18, 1984, the Exemplary Public Servant Regulations were revised under Presidential Decree No. 11360. Under this new regulation, the paperweight changed to a breast medal. Civil Servant awardees were to be selected from Grade/Class 6 and lower employees, and cannot be re-awarded. If the recipient lost or defaced his medal, it could be replaced, but not the award document. Like the previous regulation, the awardee was given additional points in their evaluation for promotion. The legislation does not give any cash bonus, but this was corrected in the following legislation. Presidential Decree #17104, dated Jan. 4, 2001 gives the awardee a 30,000 ₩ won per month bonus for three years. Currently under Presidential Decree #34461, that amount has been raised to 50,000 ₩ won per month (approx. $34.16).1

Reverse dated 1983
Unnamed Specimen

Reverse dated 1991
Unnamed Specimen