Fire Department Service Medals 소방공무원기장
Information on Korea’s National Fire Department (History, Rank Insignia, Uniforms, etc .) in English
The Fire Department Commander’s Medal “소방지휘관장”

The Fire Department Commander’s Medal was established on Feb. 24, 1988 by Presidential Decree #12408. It is awarded to superintendents and above who head Fire Department Agencies. The bronze pendant is 50 mm in diameter and is 7 mm thick at the center of the emblem. The design on the front of the badge consists of a circle of pointed rays that resemble stacked fire hoses. There are four hose nozzles forming a cross that vaguely resembles a Rupert cross. In the center of the cross is a 20 mm circle. Inside the circle, there are three hose nozzles crossed like crossed rifles, portrayed above a Taeguk (Yin and Yang) symbol. There is a small plaque as part of the 38 mm x 10 mm straight bar suspension which has the words 소방지휘관 “Fire Department Commander”.
The reverse of the pendant has the words 대한민국소방기장 “Republic of Korea Fire Fighting Medal” forming an arc across the top. Directly below these letters are the words 지휘관장 “Commander’s Medal”.
The ribbon is 35 mm x 50 mm. The colors are: Orange 6 mm, Blue 6 mm, Orange 11 mm, Blue 6 mm, and Orange 6 mm. In the Presidential Decree authorizing this award, it uses the word 황색, which is generally translated as “Yellow”.
The ribbon bar is 35 mm x 10 mm. The colors and width of the stripes are the same as the medal ribbon. In the center of the ribbon bar is a gold-plated disc 10 mm in diameter. The disc’s design is that of the Taeguk, with the three crossed hose nozzles found at the center of the pendant.
10 Year Service Medal “안전장”

The 안전장 “Safety Medal” was first established on Feb. 24, 1988 by Presidential Decree #12408. It is awarded to firemen with ten years of continuous service. The round bronze pendant is approx.42 mm in diameter x 3.5 mm thick. The design on the front of the badge consists of a 20 mm circle at the top center of the pendant. Inside the circle is a lighted candle. Directly below the circle is a pedestal made of six inverted “L”s representing fire hoses.
The reverse of the pendant has the words 대한민국 소방근속기장 “Republic of Korea Fire Department Service Medal” forming an arc across the top. Directly below, in a straight line, are the words 안전장 “Safety Medal”. Below this is another straight line of text which reads as 10년근속 “Ten Years Service”.
The ribbon is 35 mm x 50 mm. The colors are: Orange 6 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 19 mm, Blue 2 mm, and Orange 6 mm. In the Presidential Decree authorizing this award, it uses the word 황색 which is generally translated as “Yellow”.
The ribbon bar is 35 mm x 10 mm. The colors and width of the stripes are the same as the ribbon on the medal. In the center of the ribbon bar is a 10 mm gold-plated disc. The disc’s design is the same as the lighted candle found on the pendant.
20 Year Service Medal

The 봉사장 “Service Medal” was first established on Feb. 24, 1988 by Presidential Decree #12408. It is awarded to firemen with 20 years continuous service. The round bronze pendant is approx. 42 mm x 3.5 mm thick. The design on the front of the badge consists of a 20 mm circle at the top center of the pendant. Inside the 20 mm circle is a Haet’ae sitting on a bed of fire. Directly below the circle is a pedestal made of six inverted “L”s representing fire hoses. Directly under the 20 mm circle is a pedestal made of six inverted “L”s that represents fire hoses.
In Korea, the Haet’ae 해태 is a mythical beast that prevents fire disasters. According to Korean folklore, the Haet’ae’s body is muscular and shaped like a lion and has a horn on its forehead. It has a bell in its neck and the body is covered with sharp scales. There is a pair of Haet’ae sculptures in front of the National Assembly Building, with one being male and the other being female, giving them each a distinctive appearance. The city of Seoul has used Haechi (origin of Haet’ae) as its official symbol since 2009.
The reverse of the pendant has the words 대한민국 소방근속기장 “Republic of Korea Fire Fighting Service Medal” forming an arc across the top. Directly below, in a straight line, are the words 봉사장 “Service Medal”. Below this is another straight line of text which reads 20년근속 “20 Years Service”.
The ribbon is 35 mm x 50 mm. The colors are: Orange 4 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 15 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm and Orange 4 mm. In the Presidential Decree authorizing this award, it uses the word 황색 which is generally translated as “Yellow”.
The ribbon bar is 35 mm x 10 mm. The colors and width of the stripes are the same as the ribbon on the medal. In the center of the ribbon bar is a 10 mm gold-plated disc. The disc’s design is the same as the Haet’ae found on the pendant.
30 Year Service Medal

The 소방장 “Firefighters Medal” was first established on Feb. 24, 1988 by Presidential Decree #12408. It is awarded to firemen with 30 years continuous service. The round bronze pendant is approx. 42 mm x 3.5 mm thick. The design on the front of the badge consists of a 20 mm circle at the top center of the pendant. Inside the 20 mm circle is a Flying Dove. Directly below the circle is a pedestal made of six inverted “L”s representing fire hoses.
The reverse of the pendant has the words 대한민국 소방근속기장 “Republic of Korea Fire Fighting Service Medal” forming an arc across the top. Directly below, in a straight line, are the words 소방장 “Firefighter’s Medal”. Below this is another straight line of text which reads 30년근속 “30 Years Service”.
The ribbon is 35 mm x 50 mm. The colors are: Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 11 mm, Blue 2 mm, Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm Orange 2 mm, Blue 2 mm and Orange 2 mm. In the Presidential Decree authorizing this award, it uses the word 황색 which is generally translated as “Yellow”.
The ribbon bar is 35 mm x 10 mm. The colors and width of the stripes are the same as the ribbon on the medal. In the center of the ribbon bar is a 10 mm gold-plated disc. The disc’s design is that of the Flying Dove with a flame in its mouth.
For a quick article on the Commander’s medal Long Service Medals see the David Cabral article in the OMSA Medal Collector1
119 Righteous Person Award (19의인상 (義人賞) (Comonly referred to as the 119 Hero Award)2

119의인상 (義人賞)
The award was created on Aug. 1, 2018, under Fire Services Directive #52 소방청훈령 제52호. Its basic goal is to recognize everyday people who react in an emergency for the sake of others. This includes situations requiring emergency rescue, such as traffic or water accidents, natural or social disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, explosions, and structure collapses. It also includes giving first aid to people requiring emergency medical assistance, such as cardiac arrest, where the responding hero is not a professional medical practitioner. Also excluded are Police Officers and Fire Department personnel. Expressly prohibited are people who fall under Fire Services Directive 52, Article 3, Section 6. It basically states that the award does not apply to a rescue act where the emergency was caused by the “hero’s” own grave negligence.
I do not have any information on the size of the medal or on any inscription that may be on the reverse of the medal.
According to news sources, as of Feb. 3, 2023, there have been 47 people who have received the award. I have not found a list of recipients.

It is interesting to note that under the 119 Rescue and First Aid Act (abbreviated name: 119 Act)3, Article 4 (Citizens’ Rights and Obligations), Section 3 states: Anyone who discovers a person in need of rescue in an emergency must report this to the fire department or relevant administrative agency without delay, and must endeavor to rescue the person in need of rescue or prevent injuries from worsening until the 119 rescue team, 119 ambulance team, or 119 air squad arrives.
The following information references Pantone.
Pantone LLC is an American limited liability company headquartered in Carlstadt, New Jersey. It is best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS), a proprietary color system used in various industries, including graphic design, fashion design, product design, printing, and manufacturing. It supports the management of color from design to production, in physical and digital formats, among coated and uncoated materials, cotton, polyester, nylon and plastics, and now in some South Korean Medals.
May 2020, Fire Department Service Medals 소방공무원기장

On May 20, 2020, Fire Department Directive 소방청훈령 #156 was issued. This new directive had drawings for a new design of its service medals and included its first authorized Forty Year Service Medal called 헌신장 “Dedication Medal”. It can also be translated as “Commitment Medal” or “Devotion Medal”. At this time, none of these medals have been seen.

November 2020, Fire Department Service Medals 소방공무원기장

Fire Department Badges

- Cabral, David L., REPUBLIC OF KOREA FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE MEDALS, Article in the Medal Collector, Vol. 46, No.8-9, 1995, Pp.26-31.
- 119 is the Korean emergency phone number to get immediate assistance from the Police, Fire Department and/or Paramedic/Ambulance services.
- Law No. 19871, January 2, 2024, partially revised