Police Officer Surviving Family Badge 경찰관유족기장령
Pre – 1952 Series

The earliest legislation that I have been able to locate, dates from 1952, but this cannot be the oldest legislation, because of the Bereaved Family Medal pictured to the right. The inscription on the top line is 殉國警察官遺家族之章 (순국경찰관유가족지장) Head of the family of a martyred police officer. The center line is the date in the old Dan Ki 단기 (檀紀) (or, more accurately, the Dan Kun Ki 단군기 (檀君紀)) calendar system. This particular example dates to 4282 (1949), 8th month, 15th day. This is followed by a serial number, and the last line which is 大韓警務協會(대한경무협회) Korea Police Association. The 4th Chinese character, on the last line, has been over punched, so I cannot say what the original inscription was. My Korean contact states that this inscription on the 4th line was used until the 1952 legislation. (One note of caution, the surviving “Head of the Family” on the top line is usually not the Police Officer’s wife, but is the oldest surviving male member of the family. The wife would only receive the medal if there were no surviving males. This would include his: grandfather, father, son, or his brothers).

On June 18, 1952, 내무부 the “Ministry of Interior” issued 대통령령 제648호 “Presidential Decree #648”, entitled 경찰관유족기장령 “Police Officer Survivor Badge”. The Survivor’s Badge is awarded by 내무부장관 the “Minister of Home Affairs” to the survivors of warriors, war soldiers, and other police officers who have died while performing their duties. Like the previous award, it is not necessarily given to the spouse.
The badge is approx. 3.5 cm in diameter, mounted on a 3.5 cm x 5 cm black silk ribbon. I have not been able to acquire pictures of the reverse of this badge. More research is required.
Those who receive a police officer’s survivor badge are also given a certificate that gives them permission to wear the medal in public. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest.

On June 19, 1970, 내무부 the “Ministry of Interior” issued 대통령령 제5096호 “Presidential Decree #5096”, entitled 경찰관유족기장령 “Police Officer Survivor Badge”.
Most of the Decree is identical to the previous series, however it does give more detail regarding the actual Badge. The metal composition of the badge is described as sterling silver. The dimensions for the badge are the same as the previous series, including the ribbon color and dimensions. The one noticeable change is the flare at the bottom of the badge. To date, no badge has been seen with this flare feature. The most significant change from the earlier series is the inclusion of a back diagram. At the center is what appears to be a clutch post. The top-line reads 순직경찰관유가족지장 Head of the Family of a Deceased Police Officer. The second line is the date using the 서기(西紀) or more accurately 서력기(西曆紀) Western calendar system. The third line is for the serial number and the rocker on the bottom is 대한민국 Republic of Korea.
The largest visual change from the previous Bereaved Family Badges is the use of Korean characters on the reverse. In 1970, then South Korean President, Park Chung-hee banned the use of Chinese characters in official documents and from being taught in schools. It is at this time that Chinese characters no longer appeared on any Korean Order, Medal, or Badge.

On July 30, 1991, 내무부 the “Ministry of Interior” issued 대통령령 제13435호 “Presidential Decree #13435”, entitled 경찰관유족기장령 “Police Officer Survivor Badge”. This decree is very similar to the previous decree. However, there are no drawings, but the description is identical to the earlier decrees. The most significant change that I see is the spouse has a far more prominent role in receiving the medal. In earlier decrees, control is held by the Minister of Home Affairs, but with this decree, that changes to the “Chief of Police”.
On Aug. 8, 1996, 내무부 the “Ministry of Interior” issued 대통령령 제15136호 “Presidential Decree #15136”, entitled 경찰관유족기장령 “Police Officer Survivor Badge”. This decree is very similar to the previous decree, and like the previous decree, there are no drawings, but the description is identical to the earlier decrees. The most significant difference is the authorizing authority. The badge is now awarded by the Commissioner of the National Police Agency or the Commissioner of the Korea Maritime Police (not the Coast Guard). Documents now are issued for either Police Officers or Maritime Police Officers, and are issued by either the Police Chief or the Maritime Police Chief.
On Dec. 30, 2000, 내무부 the “Ministry of Interior” issued 대통령령 제17065호 “Presidential Decree #17065”, entitled 경찰관유족기장령 “Police Officer Survivor Badge”. The decree has a single line: 경찰관유족기장령은 이를 폐지한다 “The order of the police officer survivors’ badge is abolished”.