The Presidential Commendation 대통령표창 (大統領表彰) System
Today, the government regulations for both the Presidential and Prime Minister Awards are the same government regulations used by all the various government authorities to provide commendations for the needs of their respective departments. However, in the early legislation only the dimensions and drawings for the Presidential awards were given within the legislation.1 The Prime Minister and the various ministries could design their awards as they saw fit. It wasn’t until 1992, that the design specifications for the Prime Minister’s Commendations were included in the Government Commendation Regulations.2
We know that the Korean government started issuing Presidential Commendations early in the war, but the earliest (central government) legislation that has been found, dates to Nov. 17, 1954.3 Korean legislation always lists any prior decrees at the bottom, but Presidential Decree #940 (11-17-1954) does not list any prior legislation. It is assumed that any rules or regulations that existed before this date were probably within the administrative realm of the Ministry Of Defense. It is also assumed that there were no Presidential Commendations for any other part of the government except the military. The Defense Department evidently did not hand over their administrative control to the central government until 1954.
The picture to the right is purportedly a Presidential Unit Citation given to the 5th Air Force. It is annotated on the reverse with: “This is the medal awarded by the Korean Gov’t to the 5th Air Force”. I have not been able to confirm that this is a unit citation. This medal is actually the Order of National Foundation, 2nd Class. During the early days of the Korean War, this medal was used as an Order of Military Merit. The only difference between an Order of Military Merit and an Order of National Foundation is the addition of the Star at the top of the ribbon. It is possible that it also doubled as a Presidential Unit Citation, but more research is needed. I have tried contacting the 5th Air Force, but have never gotten a response. With the reverse annotation, it is more likely an Order of Military Merit that was issued to the 5th Air Force.
Government Commendation Regulation 정부표창규정, Decree #940
The following is an abbreviated form of Presidential Decree #940
The purpose of the original Presidential Decree #940 was to stipulate matters related to awards issued by government agencies. The legislation clearly stated that the term public officials meant state officials, educational officials, public prosecutors’ office officials and employees.
Recognition was classified into awards of Achievement, Honors and Cooperation, but Cooperation Awards could be determined separately by the head of each central administrative agency. Whenever a commendation was given, a certificate was also awarded. Prize money and other prizes could also be awarded together with the Commendation.
Achievement Awards were awarded to public officials or organizations in the following cases: 1) in the faithful and excellent performance of their job, 2) where constructive and creative opinions or devises were proposed to improve administrative efficiency or 3) in cases of contributing to the national interest and national development through other dedicated services
Honor Awards were awarded to public officials or organizations in the following cases: 1) in cases of excellent educational performance in public official education or 2) in cases of obtaining excellent results in various competitions.
Cooperation Awards were awarded to general public organizations or foreigners in the following cases: 1) where there is a remarkable achievement by actively cooperating in the execution of administrative affairs, 2) where the national honor and national prestige are promoted externally or 3) in cases contributing to the interests and development of the country through other dedicated services.
In the supplementary provisions 부칙 of this decree, it stated that awards received prior to the enforcement of Decree #940 should be considered as a commendation under this Decree, but only in cases where the original award criteria conformed to this Decree. No previous legislation was indicated within this decree, which strengthens the possibility that the Presidential Citations were within the bailiwick of the Defense Department.
The Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Commendation
대한민국 대통령 부대 표창 (大韓民國大統領 部隊表彰)

대한민국 대통령 단위 표창 스 트리머
The original Presidential Unit Citation was a military award issued by the Republic of South Korea to both South Korean and foreign military units. Today, the Presidential Unit Citation can be awarded to any group that deserves such an award.
During the Korean War, the unit decoration was bestowed on numerous American, British Commonwealth and other foreign military units. After the Korean War, the award was retroactively authorized to every unit of the United States Army which had deployed to the Korean Peninsula between 1950 and 1954. I have not found anything in print, but I suspect that after the war, the Korean Government authorized it for all the foreign units that served in Korea during the war.
Korean Presidential Unit Commendation Streamer 대한민국 대통령 단위 표창 스 트리머
The streamer length 115 cm x 7.5 cm wide. The wide green stripes are 0.8 cm each, the narrower green stripes (4ea.), red stripes (4ea.) and the narrow whites stripes are all 1.0 cm wide each. The wide white center stripe is 3.5 cm. The green and red stripes are sometimes referred to as Hunter Green and Old Glory Red. The Taeguk symbol has a diameter of 3.1 cm and is located in the center of the large white stripe and 27 cm from the central hoisting point. The end of the streamer has a swallow tail. All wording is embroidered in black with “Republic of Korea” on one side of the Taeguk symbol, while the other side has “Presidential Unit Commendation”, followed by the name of the recipient group and the date of the award in Arabic Numerals.

Presidential Unit Commendation – Ribbon Bar
A Ribbon Bar for the Presidential Unit Citation is fairly common to find. The addition of a Mugunghwa Leaf or Leaves signifies an additional award(s). (Attachments are not authorized for the American uniform.)
There is a persistent rumor that there is a variation in the number of red stripes for different unit sizes. This is not found in the legislation. All ribbon Bars for the Presidential Unit Citation contain 4 red stripes, two on each side of the center.

The one on the left has only two red stripes. The one on the right does not have white stripes between the outside green stripes and the first red stripes.
Republic of Korean Presidential Personal Commendation for Individuals
대한민국 대통령개인표창수장

Measurements: The Gold Frame has an outer dimension of 3.7 cm x 1.5 cm and an inner measurement of 3.3 cm x 1.1 cm. There are 96 leaves in the laurel wreath frame. The red and green ribbon stripes are 1 cm each with a 1.6 cm white center. The Bell is 1.1 cm in size.

판타지 메달(엉뚱헌)
Beware – Korean War Fantasy Medal
The medal at the right is a Fantasy Medal. There is nothing in the Korean Legislation authorizing a Unit Citation Ribbon being attached to the planchet of a Korean War Service Medal. There is also nothing in the legislation authorizing a Taeguk Symbol on the drape of the Korean War Service Medal. The Taeguk is authorized on the ribbon bar. The ribbon bar is also not authorized by any legislation without the Gold Frame. The only correct, stand alone, features about this Fantasy is the Taeguk on the ribbon bar with the red being in a superior position to the blue and the Korean War Service Medal pendant at the bottom.
Veterans and their families, who wish to display their medal groups properly, should avoid this fantasy.
Government Commendation Regulation 정부표창규정, Decree #4465 (Dec. 19, 1969)
The purpose of this decree was to stipulate matters regarding commendations given by each government entity.
When a commendation is given, an award document is also given. A plaque and/or a prize may also be awarded.
Recognition under this Decree is divided into Achievement Award, Invention Award, Honor Award and Cooperation Award.
Achievement Awards are awarded in the following cases: 1) of excellent work performance by faithfully performance of duty or 2) when a person or unit has contributed to the interests of the country or society and its development as a dedicated service.
The Invention Award is awarded when it contributes to the interests and development of the national society by proposing constructive and creative opinions or measures to improve administrative efficiency.
Honor Awards are awarded in the following cases: 1) In cases of exceptional educational performance or 2) in cases of obtaining exceptional results in various exhibitions and competitions. The types of honor award could be separately determined by the head of each central administrative agency.
Cooperation Awards are awarded in the following cases: 1) when there is a remarkable achievement by actively cooperating with the implementation of administrative duties, 2) when the country’s honor and prestige are elevated externally or 3) by other dedicated service that has contributed to the interests and development of the country or society.
The commendation is given by the President and Prime Minister, the heads of each central administrative agency and the heads of each level.
(Transitional provisions) A commendation received before the enforcement of this Decree shall be regarded as a commendation under this decree only if it is conferred by a person designated as a person entitled to give a commendation under this Decree.
(Transitional Provisions) The ribbon bar of the Presidential Unit Commendation awarded before the enforcement of this Decree shall not be worn.
The Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Commendation
대한민국 대통령 부대 표창 (大韓民國大統領 部隊表彰)

대한민국 대통령 단위 표창 스 트리머

The specific size and appearance information, given in Presidential Decree #4465, does not make sense. For example, the sash is purportedly 90 cm long and 8 cm wide, but there are only two stripes mentioned and one of those is 2 cm wide and the other is 7 cm wide. This exceeds the width measurement given earlier.
The information given here is from the following Presidential Decree #11337 that was issued on Jan. 23, 1984.
The Presidential Unit Commendation streamer is described as 900 mm long x 80 mm wide. The stripe pattern is Red 6 mm, Orange 6 mm, a yellow center stripe of 56 mm, then Orange 6 mm and red 6 mm. The Taeguk symbol has a diameter of 35 mm. The Presidential symbol (two Phoenixes 봉황) is 40 mm. There is no ribbon bar associated with the Presidential Unit Commendation and by the previous decree, older ribbon bars for the Presidential Unit Commendation could no longer be worn.

The Republic of Korea Presidential Personal Commendation
대한민국 대통령 개인표창수장

The ribbon is 36 mm x 17 mm with a 4 mm red stripe, a 2 mm orange stripe, a 5 mm yellow center stripe followed by a 2 mm orange stripe and a 4 mm red stripe. The President’s Emblem, the Phoenix pendent, is 30 mm, with a Mugunghwa flower at its center that is 11.5 mm.

Presidential Citation for Green Aloe Company

CEO Jeong Gwang-suk of the Green Aloe Co., based in Gwangju, announced that it was selected as a model conscientious taxpayer on the occasion of the 55th Taxpayer’s Day and received the Presidential Citation. 광주에 본사를 둔 알로에전문기업 그린알로에(대표이사 정광숙)가 ‘제55회 납세자의 날’을 맞아 모범 성실납세기업으로 선정돼 대통령표창을 수상하게 됐다고 밝혔다.