This is actually my Bibliography 서지 書誌. I put it here just in case you’re wondering where I get my information and want to do some light reading. You will find that I have installed links to many of the Legal Statutes.
One of the major frustrations in researching Korean Orders and Medals is the lack of medal drawings within the legislation. Keep in mind that much of the legislation is revisions which do not affect the medals design and so they do not have drawings. For the legal codes with drawings, it’s not too bad for recent legislation, but it is definitely a problem with older material. Copies of all Korean Laws, Rules, Decrees, Regulations, etc, after enactment are kept by the Korean National Archives in the Official Gazette 관보. This gazette is now online, but it is split into two sections, one for older laws, which I call very simply call the Older Official Gazette 관보 (Kwan Bo) and one for newer legislation, which I call the Newer Official Gazette 관보 (Kwan Bo). In the listings below, if it says Official Gazette and has page numbers, it’s the Older Gazette, and you will need to enter the page number in the upper-left corner.
The newer gazette is fairly simple to use. Put in your Korean Search Term and hit enter. You should get back a list of results. However, keep in mind that the Official Gazettes are for the legal statutes of the Central Government. If you are searching for documents from a Ministry or Department, you may not get any results.
The older gazette is somewhat difficult to use. There is a bit of English text, which helps, somewhat. If you want to use the Gazette, the simplest trick is to copy the Korean title from the legislation that you are interested in, paste it into the search bar. Hitting enter will usually give you a list of possible results. Try to find the one you are interested in, typically by the date or decree number, select it by hitting the button on the far right. You should get all the legislation that passed on the same day as your legislation. There is a menu on the left, so again, look for the title that you are seeking. Once you select it, you will get a picture of the first page of that piece of legislation. Then just click the pages along the bottom of the screen, until you find the drawings, if it has drawings. It is a pain in the neck, but at least, if the legislation has drawings, you will find them. Often, you will find that the legislation you are searching for is only a small addition to the primary legal code, in which case you can start all over again in your hunt for the drawings. One last comment, the older Kwan Bo displays pictures of the legislation, so you won’t be able to cut-and-paste text or drawings from the documents that you find. You can, however, cut and paste the entire page of the legislative page and download it into a picture editing program like Paint Shop Pro. From there, you can crop out the picture(s) that you need.
Related Websites
- Medals of Asia – Guide to Orders, Medals and Badges of Asian Countries While heavily focused on Japan, it does provide a wealth of information on other countries. There is a section on Korea, but you will also find a good deal of information on Korea in the Japanese section of the website.
References – Non-Government publications

- Blakene, Jane F., YOUR KOREAN DECORATIONS, article in Marine Corps Gazette, March 1954, p.36, Copyright Marine Corps Association, Mar. 1954
- Borts, Lawrence H., UNITED NATIONS MEDALS AND MISSION The Medals and Ribbons of the United Nations, published by MOA Press (Medals of America Press), Fountain Inn, South Carolina, 1998
- Cabral, David L.,
- ORDERS AND DECORATIONS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Monograph of the Orders and Medals Society of America (OMSA), 1994, Merriam Press, Bennington VT.
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE MEDALS, article in the Medal Collector, Vol. 46, No. 8-9, 1995, Pp. 26-31
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY SERVICE MEDALS, article in the Medal Collector, Vol. 46, No. 1-2, 1995, Pp. 27-36
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA OLYMPIC SERVICE MEDALS, article in the Medal Collector, Vol. 46, No. 6, 1995, Pp. 28-34 (includes information on the Paralympic Service Medals)
- Commander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Pacific,
- Off the National Institute of Health, National Library of Medicine you can download PDF copies of issues: Number 6 (March, 1946), Number 8 (May, 1946), Number 9 (June, 1946), Number 10 (July, 1946), Number 11 (August, 1946), Number 12 (September, 1946), Number 13 (October, 1946), Number 14 (November, 1946), Number 15 (December, 1946), Number 16 (January, 1947), Number 17 (February, 1947), Number 18 (March, 1947), Number 19 (April, 1947), Number 20 (May, 1947), Number 21 (June, 1947), and Number 22 (July, 1947).
- Cumings, Bruce. Korea’s Place in the Sun: A Modern History. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2005.
- Gleim, Albert F., and McDowell, Charles P., THE UNITED NATIONS KOREAN SERVICE MEDAL, Planchet Press Pub. 50, The Foxfall Press, Inc., Copyright 1990.
- Headquarters Korea Civil Assistance Command APO 59, REFERENCE HANDBOOK GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Sept. 29, 1953.
- Ingraham, Kevin R., HONORS, MEDALS AND AWARDS OF THE KOREAN WAR 1950-1953, Prospect Press, Binghamton, New York, 1993
- Kane, Daniel, KOREA IN THE WHITE CITY: KOREAN PARTICIPATION IN THE WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXHIBITION OF 1893, Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
- Kang In-hye, A VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE WAR AT THE CHOSŎN GRAND EXPOSITION OF 1940 AND COLONIAL BELONGING, published in Acta Koreana, Vol. 18, No. 2, Dec. 2015, pp. 445-482, Academia Koreana, Keimyung University, 2015
- Kenney, General George C., THE MACARTHUR I KNOW, Duell, Sloan & Pierce, New York, 1951, p. 220.
- Ki-baek Lee (Lee Ki-baek), A NEW HISTORY OF KOREA, Harvard University Press, 1984
- Kim, Christine (2009). POLITICS AND PAGEANTRY IN PROTECTORATE KOREA (1905-10): THE IMPERIAL PROGRESSES OF SUNJONG. The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 68, Issue 03, August 2009, pp 835-859 (Published online: August 19, 2009)
- Kim Oh-han 金傲寒 (김오한) Research on the National Honor System of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国家荣誉体系研究 선민주주의인민공화국 국가영예쳬계 연구, Vast Universe press PTE. LTD. 浩宇出版社, Nov. 2024, (735 Pages)
- KOREAN RED CROSS AWARDS OPERATIONAL REGULATIONS 대한적십자사포상운영규정 (Aug. 26, 1975), Apr. 1, 2018 Revision
- Lovmo, Mark, SOUTH KOREAN COINS IN THE ERA OF DEVELOPMENT, iAsure Group Jean Publications, July 2022 (Copies are still available at
- Mandel, Edgar J.,
- CAST COINAGE OF KOREA, Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin, 1972
- TRIAL LISTING KOREAN CHARMS AND AMULETS, privately published Coral Gables, Florida, 33134, June 1968
- Office of the Chief of Military History, Headquarters Republic of Korean Army, UNIT’S SHORT HISTORY ROKA 部隊略史 (ROKA HQ ARMIES CORPS DIVISIONS), Yongsan, Seoul, Mar. 1955.
- Owain Raw-Rees, THE ETHIOPIAN MEMORIAL MEDAL OF THE KOREAN WAR, article in Jomsa, Journal of the Orders and Medals Society of America, Vol. 71, No. 4 (July-August 2020), pp. 3-11
- Owen, Colin R., THE SOUTH AFRICAN KOREA MEDAL ROLE, Chimperie Publications, South Africa, 1982.
- Park Young-sin, THE CHOSŎN INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OF 1915, Dissertation Binghamton University, State University of New York, 2019
- Pownall, Henry, KOREAN CAMPAIGN MEDALS 1950-53, dated 1954, publisher unknown.
- Sesko, Markus, IDENTIFYING JAPANESE SEAL SCRIPT, Published May 26, 2014
- Sessler, Warren E. and McDaniel Jr., Paul D., MILITARY AND CIVIL AWARDS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA (DPRK), 2009, published by Sessler Inc., produced for the publisher by John Taylor Book Ventures, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK.
- So, Jong-Sup (소종섭), KOREA IS BEING TOUTED AS THE REPUBLIC OF “THE ORDER”?, Article published in Dong-A Weekly, Nov. 16, 2000, #259.
- Stanton, Shelby L., VIETNAM ORDER OF BATTLE, Galahad Books, New York, 1987
- Trost, L. J., DIE RITTER-UND VERDIENST-ORDEN, EHRENZEICHEN UND MEDAILLEN ALLER SOUVERÄNE UND STAATEN SEIT BEGINN DES XIX. JAHRHUNDERTS (The Knights and Orders of Merit, Decorations and Medals of All Sovereigns and States Since the Beginning of the XIX. Century), published in Wien and Leipzig by Wilhelm Braumüller in 1910.(Korea section: pp.42-45, and Table XXVI, drawings 5 & 6).
- Unknown author, Former Korean Medals 舊韓國勳章圖 구한국훈장도 (Book found in the Korean National Library, contains colored drawings of Korean Empire Orders and Commemorative Medals)
- U.S. Army, ARMY REGULATIONS 600-8-22, Personnel – General, Military Awards, Chapter 9-25, Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Feb. 25, 1995.
- U.S. Eighth Army Regulation 672-3 Civilian Awards Program
- Yi Kang-chil, 이강칠 (李康七), 대한제국시대 훈장제도 KOREAN EMPIRE ERA, DECORATION SYSTEM 대한제국시대 훈장제도, Publisher백산출판사1999
The remaining references on this page are in the Public Domain. Some of them were the product of the Government-General of Korea, which, legally, no longer exists. While others are not eligible for copyright protection under Article 7 of the Copyright Act of South Korea. Works ineligible for copyright protection under Article 7 include the following:

- Constitution, laws, treaties, decrees, ordinances and rules;
- Notices, public notifications, directions and others similar to them issued by the state or local government;
- Judgments, decisions, orders, or rulings of courts, as well as rulings and decisions made by the administrative appeal procedures, or other similar procedures;
- Compilations or translations of works as referred to in Subparagraphs 1 to 3 which are produced by the state or local government; and
- Current news reports which transmit simple facts, and digital audio transmission
The Korean Empire 1897-1910

The Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty 조선왕조실록 (朝鮮王朝實錄) are also known as True or Veritable Records of the Chosŏn Dynasty. They record the activities of the Chosŏn kings by day, month, and year from 1392 to 1864. The Annals surpass all other dynastic records in the world in the sheer number of historical details collected over the course of 472 years. Except for two sillok compiled during the colonial era, these records are acknowledged as Korean National Treasure No. 151. On Oct. 1, 1997, they were listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the “Memory of the World Registry”. The Annals of King Kojong and the Annals of Sunjong of the Korean Empire were compiled during the Japanese colonial period are generally not included in the standard category of “Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty”, but are viewed separately. More on this later.
The annals include politics, diplomacy, military, institutions, law, economy, industry, transportation, communication, society, customs, astronomy, geography, yin and yang, science, medicine, literature, music, and culture during the Chosŏn Dynasty. There is a flaw in the annals. Chosŏn was a strong, centralized state, and the Annals generally do not record the government activities outside the capital. However, for local records, there is a separate collection of books called Gaksa Deungrok 各司謄錄 (각사등록), which contains major official documents from regions outside the capital. These records are incomplete but also as voluminous as the Annals.
During the reign of a monarch, professional historiographers / recorders maintained extensive records on the day-to-day activities of the king and the state. These daily accounts were kept as draft copies 사초 (史草). Great care was taken to ensure the neutrality of the historiographers, who had legal guarantees of independence. Nobody was allowed to read the draft copies, not even the king, and any historiographer who disclosed its contents or changed the content could be punished with beheading. These strict regulations lend great credibility to these records. The annals were always produced posthumously. Upon the death of a king and the coronation of his successor, the Office for Annals Compilation 실록청제명기 used the draft copies to begin the compilation of the annul for the deceased king. The compilation is done in three stages. During the first stage 초초 (初草) all material, from all sources, was collected. To ensure that all records were collected, laws were enacted to imprison and fine anyone who did not submit their records. In the second stage 중초 (中草) all the records were placed in chronological order. In the third stage 정초 (正草) the records were edited for content. After this, the edited records were printed 사고 (史庫) in multiple copies and stored in archive facilities throughout Korea.
Written in classical Chinese, a translation into Korean was begun in 1968 and completed in 1993. Currently the Annals are being translated into English, which is scheduled to be completed in 2033.
The Annals of King Kojong and Emperor Sunjong are not included in the “Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty”. They were compiled under the direction of the Japanese, so their value is questionable. This is due to the distortion of historical facts by the Japanese to suit their needs. It was published with the approval of the Japanese Yiwangjik 이왕직 (李王職). An organization in charge of all affairs related to the Yi royal family during the Japanese colonial period. Yiwangjik managed and controlled every aspect of the Yi royal family, including the hiring and firing of employees in the Royal Household. The organization belonged to Japan’s Imperial Household Agency, not the Japanese Government-General of Korea. It incorporated the Korean royal family into a lower unit of the Japanese Emperor’s family. While treating the Korean royal family with respect, its main function was to appease and control them. Unfortunately, these are the only two annals dealing with Korean Orders and the recipients there of.
- Decree No. 13, Ordinance on Orders of Merit, April 17, 1900. Under this decree, the legal foundations for all the Orders of the Korean Empire were promulgated, except for the Order of the Auspicious Phoenix. The Order of the Golden Measure, the Order of the Plum Blossom, the Order of Taeguk and the Order of the Purple Falcon were put into motion. (The Order of the Eight Trigrams and the Order of the Auspicious Stars were placed on hold.)
- Annals of King Kojong, April 16, 1901. Although already founded under Decree #13, Royal Decree No. 10 put into motion and set the precedent for the Order of the Eight Trigrams.
- Annals of King Kojong, August 12, 1902. Although already founded under Decree #13, this entry put into motion and set the precedent for the Order of the Auspicious Stars.
- Annals of King Kojong, March 30, 1904. This decree created the legal foundation for the Order of the Auspicious Phoenix.
- Annals of Kojong, March 30, 1907. Although already founded by the 1904 decree, Royal Decree No. 20 put into motion and set the precedent for the Order of the Auspicious Phoenix.
Government-General of Korea 조선총독부 1910-1945 – Legal Statutes
Laws and Regulations which established the Legal Framework to administer Korea
- (Japanese) Imperial Decree #318, Annexation of Korean Empire 대한제국 병합, 일본제국칙령 제318호. this decree changed the name of Korea to Chosŏn and gave the Japanese Emperor total authority to rule Korea.
- Emergency (Japanese) Imperial Decree No. 324, 긴급칙령 제324호, August 29, 1910, stipulated the “Law on Laws to be Enforced in Korea”, which stipulated that all Korean laws were to be determined by orders from the Governor-General of the Government-General of Korea.1
- Chosŏn-Governor Vice-Emperor’s Decree No. 14, dated Aug. 29, 1910 (조선총독부황실령 제14호, 1910. 8. 29) entitled ‘Chosŏn Nobility Ordinance’ 조선 귀족령
- Regarding the laws to be enforced in Korea 조선에시행해야할법령에관한건 Japanese Imperial Decree #324, Enacted Aug. 29, 1910 (Enacted on the day of Annexation, it established the legal framework to administer Korea)
- Government General of Korea, Decree No. 1, “Regarding the Effect of Laws in Korea 조선에서의법령의효력에관한건,” promulgated on August 29, 1910
- Government General of Korea, Decree No. 8, 조선에서의법령의효력에관한건에의한명령의구분에관한건 enacted Oct. 1910. “Cases on the Classification of Orders by Cases Concerning the Effect of Laws in Korea.”
- Etc.
Army Soldier Volunteer Training Recruitment Rules 육군병지원자훈련소생도채용규칙
- Korean Government-General Act 조선총독부법령 #71, (Enacted Apr. 2, 1938, Enforcement Apr. 3, 1938)
- Korean Government-General Act 조선총독부법령 #71 (Revision, Enacted Apr. 2, 1938, Enforced Apr. 3, 1938)
- Korean Government-General Order 조선총독부령 #157, (Enacted July 2, 1940, Enforcement July 3, 1940)
- Korean Government-General Act 조선총독부법령 #96, (Enacted April 1, 1941, Enforcement April 1, 1941)
- Korean Government-General Order 조선총독부령 #265, (Enacted Oct. 4, 1941, Enforcement Oct. 4, 1941)
- Korean Government-General Order 조선총독부령 #188, (Enacted May 1, 1944, Enforcement May 1, 1944)
Republic of Korea – Government Publications
- Office of information Hq., ROK Army, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ARMY, Vol. l, 1954.
- Office of information Hq., ROK Army, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ARMY, Vol. II, 1956.
- Ministry of Government Administration 국무원사무저, AWARD SYSTEM상훈제도 – REPUBLIC OF KOREA 대한민국, circa 1958
- Ministry of Government Administration, AWARD SYSTEM 훈장제탁 (賞勳制度), 1964.
- Ministry of Government Administration, DECORATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 대한민국훈장 (大韓民國勳章), 12.30.1968.
- Ministry of Government Administration, DECORATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 대한민국훈장 (大韓民國勳章), 1974.
- Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, ORDERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, THE HISTORY OF MANUFACTURED STYLE CHANGES (대한민국 훈장 제 식 변천 사, 12-2003
- Ministry of Government Information, DECORATIONS OVERVIEW, 상 훈 사 람 (賞 勳 使 覽) 12.1984
- Ministry of National Defense, THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS FORCES IN THE KOREAN WAR, VOLUME VI, 1st edition, Published by the War History Compilation Committee, 1977
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA – THE HISTORY OF MERITS IN KOREAN INDEENDENCE MOVEMENT – OFFICIAL COMPILATION 大韓民國 – 獨立運動功勳史 – 發刊委員會編 (대한민국 – 독립운동공훈사 – 발간위원회편) Kwang Bok Publishing Co., Seoul, Korea 1984
Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington D.C. – Publications
- Korean Pacific Press, KOREAN REPORT 1948-1952, A review of Governmental Procedures during Two Years of Peace and Two of War, Washington, D.C. Aug. 15, 1952.
- Office of Public Information, KOREAN REPORT Volume II, A Summary of Governmental Activities and Progress, Published by Korean Pacific Press, Washington, D.C., April 1955
- Office of Public Information, KOREAN REPORT Volume III, Reports from the Cabinet Ministries of the Republic of Korea for 1954, Published by Korean Pacific Press, Washington, D.C., Sept. 1955
- Office of Public Information, KOREAN REPORT Volume IV, Reports from the Cabinet Ministries of the Republic of Korea for 1955, Published by Korean Pacific Press, Washington, D.C., July. 1956
- Korean Research and Information Office, KOREAN REPORT Volume V, Reports from the Cabinet Ministries of the Republic of Korea for 1957, Washington, D.C.
- Korean Research and Information Office, KOREAN REPORT Volume VI, Reports from the Cabinet Ministries of the Republic of Korea for 1958, Washington, D.C.
- Korean Pacific Press, Washington D.C. KOREAN SURVEY, Volume Nine, Number Two, February 1960
Korean Information Office, Embassy of Korea, Washington, D.C., USA, KOREAN REPORT (Magazine),
- Volume Two, Number Two, March 1962
- Volume Two, Number Three, April, 1962
- Volume Two, Number Four, May 1962
- Volume Two, Number Seven, August 1962
- Volume Two, Number Eight, September – October, 1962
- Volume Three, Number Two, February – March, 1963
- Volume Three, Number Three, April – May, 1963
- Volume Three, Number Five, July – August, 1963.
- Volume Three, Number Six, September, 1963
- Volume Three, Number Seven, October – November, 1963
- Volume Three, Number Eight, December, 1963
- Volume Four, Number Three, April – June, 1964
- Volume Four, Number Four, July – September, 1964
- Volume Five, Number Three, July – September, 1965
- Volume Five, Number Four, October – December, 1965
- Volume Six, Number Three, July – September, 1966
- Volume Eight, Number Three, July-September, 1968
In Korea, when acts or subordinate statutes are amended, they do not leave all the original provisions intact while appending the new legislation to the bottom. The Korean government either deletes or alters the existing provisions or phrases in the proper place and then inserts the newly amended or enacted matters in the relevant place. In effect, each amendment is a complete stand-alone piece of legislation. Within the document are the reference numbers and dates for the earlier legislation.
Republic of Korea – Legal Statutes

6.25 Incident Participation Medal Decree 六.二五사변종군기장령 (六.二五事變從軍記章令)
- Presidential Decree #390, Oct. 24, 1950 and/or Official Gazette see page 6
- Presidential Decree #892, Apr. 14, 1954 and/or Official Gazette see page 7
- Presidential Decree #4930, Apr. 20, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see Pp.34-35
6.25 Incident Participation – Rules for awarding a heroic badge in honor of the 60th anniversary 6ㆍ25전쟁정전60주년기념호국영웅기장수여규칙
- Prime Minister Decree #1029, July 24, 2013 and/or Official Gazette
- Prime Minister Decree #1292, June 29, 2016
- Presidential Decree #488, Apr. 28, 1951 and/or Official Gazette see page 1
- Presidential Decree #595, Jan 11, 1952 and/or Official Gazette see page 1
- Cabinet Decree #1628, Nov. 4, 1963 and/or Official Gazette see page 2
- Presidential Decree #4931, Apr. 20, 1969 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 35-36
Armed Forces Foundation 10th Anniversary Commemoration Medal Decree 건군10주년기념기장령
- Ministry of Defense Order #32, Oct. 1, 1959
- Ministry of Defense Order #1056, May 19, 2009
Armed Forces Foundation 20th Anniversary Commemoration Medal Decree건군20주년기념기장령
- Presidential Decree #3531, Jul. 25, 1968 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 8-9
- Presidential Decree #4902, Apr.10, 1970 and /or Official Gazette see Pp, 16-17
- Presidential Decree #29507, Jan. 29, 2019
Armed Forces Foundation 30th Anniversary Commemoration Medal Decree 건군30주년기념기장령
- Department of Defense Decree #332, Jan. 5, 1981 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 3-5
- Ministry of Defense #1007, Jan. 15, 2020
Armed Forces Foundation 40th Anniversary Commemoration Medal Decree 건군40주년기념기장령
Armed Forces Foundation 50th Anniversary Commemoration Medal Decree 건군50주년기념기장령
Coast Guard, see Maritime Police
Decorations Law 상훈법 (賞勳法)
- Law #1519, Dec. 14, 1963 (Effective Mar. 1, 1964)
- Law #1885, Jan. 16, 1967 (Effective Apr. 17, 1967)
- Law #2282, Jan. 14, 1971 (Effective Jan. 14, 1971)
- Law #2447, Jan. 25, 1973 (Effective Nov. 1, 1973)
- Law #4017, Aug. 5, 1988 (Effective Sept. 1, 1988)
- Law #4222, Jan. 13, 1990 (Effective Apr. 14, 1990)
- Law #5454, Dec. 13, 1997 (Effective Jan. 1, 1998)
- Law #5681, Jan. 21, 1999 (Effective Jan. 21, 1999)
- Law #5713, Jan. 29, 1999 (Effective Jan. 30, 1999)
- Law #6342, Jan. 8, 2001 (Effective Apr. 1, 2001) and/or Official Gazette
- Law #7657, Aug. 4, 2005 (Effective Nov. 5, 2005) and/or Official Gazette
- Law #8852, Feb. 29, 2008 (Effective Feb. 29, 2008) Law #8852 in English
- Law #10985, Aug. 4, 2011 (Effective Nov. 5, 2011) and/or Official Gazette
- Law #11393, Mar. 21, 2012 (Effective Mar. 21, 2012) Law #11393 in English and/or Official Gazette
- Law #11690, Mar. 23, 2013 (Effective Mar. 23, 2013) Law #11690 in English
- Law #12844, Nov. 19, 2014 (Effective Nov. 19, 2014)
- Law #14839, July 26, 2017 (Effective July 26, 2017) Law #14839 in English
- Law #16765, Dec. 10, 2019 (Effective Mar. 10 2020 and/or Official Gazette
Decorations Law Enforcement Decree 상훈법시행령 (賞勳法施行令)
- Presidential Decree #2929 on Jan. 28, 1967 (Effective Apr. 17, 1967)
- Presidential Decree # 4466 on Dec. 19, 1969 (Effective Dec. 19, 1969)
- Presidential Decree # 5035, Jun. 13, 1970 (Effective June 13, 1970) and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 3-12
- Presidential Decree # 5388, Nov. 7, 1970 (Effective Nov. 17, 1970)
- Presidential Decree # 5480, Jan. 14, 1971 (Effective Jan. 14, 1971)
- Presidential Decree # 5688, Jun. 30, 1971 (Effective Jun. 30, 1971)
- Presidential Decree # 5895, Dec. 28, 1971 (Effective Dec. 28, 1971)
- Presidential Decree # 6916, Nov. 1, 1973 (Effective Nov. 1, 1973)
- Presidential Decree # 7289, Oct. 23, 1974 (Effective ) Oct. 23, 1974
- Presidential Decree # 11336, Jan. 23, 1984 (Effective Jan. 23, 1984) and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 55-193
- Presidential Decree # 11559, Dec. 13, 1984 (Effective Dec. 13, 1984)
- Presidential Decree # 12555, Dec. 19, 1988 (Effective Dec. 19, 1988)
- Presidential Decree # 13040, Jul. 3, 1990 (Effective Jul. 3, 1990)
- Presidential Decree # 14486, Dec. 31, 1994 (Effective Jan. 1, 1995)
- Presidential Decree # 16696, Jan. 28, 2000 (Effective Jan. 30, 2000)
- Presidential Decree # 17183, Mar. 31, 2001 (Effective Apr. 1, 2001) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree # 17952, Apr. 4, 2003 (Effective May 1, 2003) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree # 18312, Mar. 17, 2004 (Effective Mar. 17, 2004)
- Presidential Decree # 19116, Nov. 4, 2005 (Effective Nov. 5, 2005) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree # 20638, Jan. 22, 2008 (Effective Jan. 22, 2008) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree # 20741, Jan. 29, 2008 (Effective Jan. 29, 2008)
- Presidential Decree # 21214, Dec. 31, 2008 (Effective Dec. 31, 2008)
- Presidential Decree #22314, Aug. 4, 2010 (Effective Aug. 4, 2010) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #24316 Jan. 16, 2013 (Effective Jan. 16, 2013) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #25751 Nov. 19, 2014 (Effective Nov. 19, 2014)
- Presidential Decree #26838 Dec. 31, 2015 (Effective Jan. 1, 2016) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #27593 Nov. 22, 2016 (Effective Nov. 22, 2016) and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #28211 July 26, 2017 (Effective July 26, 2017)
- Presidential Decree #30517 Mar. 11, 2020 (Effective Mar. 11, 2020) and/or Official Gazette
Decorations Review Committee Regulations 상훈심의희규장 (賞勳審議會規程)
- Presidential Decree #89, May 5, 1949
- Presidential Decree #1177, Sept. 21, 1956
- 국무원 Decree #202, Feb. 20, 1961
- Cabinet Decree #500, Feb. 27, 1962
- Presidential Decree #1752, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Exemplary Public Service Personnel Regulations 모범공무원규정 (模範公務員規程)
- Presidential Decree #5774, Aug. 31, 1971 (Exemplary Public Servant Bonus Payment Regulations 모범공무원에대한상여금지급규정)
- Presidential Decree #6971, Dec. 1, 1973
- Presidential Decree #9718, Jan. 15, 1980
- Presidential Decree #10711, Feb. 2, 1982
- Presidential Decree #11360, Feb. 18, 1984
- Presidential Decree #17104, Jan. 4, 2001
- Presidential Decree #17894, Jan. 20, 2003
- Presidential Decree #18312, Mar. 17, 2004
- Presidential Decree #18676, Jan. 7, 2005
- Presidential Decree #20741, Feb. 29, 2008
- Presidential Decree #21087, Oct. 20, 2008
- Presidential Decree #22316, Aug. 4, 2010
- Presidential Decree #23015, July 4, 2011
- Presidential Decree #24315, Jan. 16, 2013
- Presidential Decree #25751, Nov. 19, 2014
- Presidential Decree #28211, July 26, 2017
- Presidential Decree #31380, Jan. 5, 2021
- Presidential Decree #34461, Apr. 30, 2024
(Fire Department) 119 Award
- Fire Services Directive No. 52, 소방청훈령 제52호, August 1, 2018, Enactment
- Fire Services Directive No. 88, 소방청훈령 제88호, July 3, 2019, partially revised
- Fire Services Directive No. 267, 소방청훈령 제267호, July 1, 2022, partially revised
(Fire Department) Regulations on Awarding and Wearing Firefighter Badges 소방공무원 기장의 수여 및 패용에 관한 규정
- National Emergency Management Agency Directive No. 8, 소방방재청훈령 제8호, June 1, 2004, completely revised
- Ministry of Public Safety and Security Directive No. 1, 국민안전처훈령 제1호, Jan. 6, 2015, Amendment to other laws
- Fire Services Directive No. 2, 소방청훈령 제2호, July 26, 2017, Amendment to other laws
- Fire Services Directive No. 136, 소방청훈령 제136호, Apr. 1, 2020, partially revised
- Fire Services Directive No. 156, 소방청훈령 제156호, May 20, 2020, partially revised
- Fire Services Directive No. 192, 소방청훈령 제192호, Nov. 4, 2020, partially revised

Firefighter Service Medal Decree 소방공무원기장령
Firefighter Service Medal Decree 소방공무원기장령
- Presidential Decree #12408, Feb. 24, 1988 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 69-75
- Presidential Decree #18390, May 24, 2004
- Presidential Decree #18781, Apr. 9, 2005 and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #24322, Jan. 22, 2013 and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #25753, Nov. 19, 2014
- Presidential Decree #28216, July 26, 2017
- Presidential Decree #30515, March 10, 2020
- Presidential Decree #30661, May 4, 2020 and /or Official Gazette
Foreign Orders Wearing Request Rules 의국훈장패용신청규칙 (外國勳章佩用申請規則)
Government Commendation Regulations Decree 정부표창규정령 (政府表彰規程令)
- Presidential Decree #958, Nov. 17, 1954 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 1-6
- Cabinet Decree #940, Aug. 22, 1962 and /or Official Gazette see Pp. 1-2
- Presidential Decree #1736, Mar. 24, 1964 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 1-4
- Presidential Decree #4465, Dec. 19, 1969
- Presidential Decree #5036, Jun. 13, 1970
- Presidential Decree #11337, Jan. 23, 1984 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 193-196
- Presidential Decree #11559, Dec. 13, 1984
- Presidential Decree #13757, Nov. 6, 1992
- Presidential Decree #15004, May 30, 1996
- Presidential Decree #18312, Mar. 17, 2004
- Presidential Decree #19513, June 12, 2006
- Presidential Decree #20741, Feb. 29, 2008
- Presidential Decree #21087, Oct. 20, 2008
- Presidential Decree #22315, Aug. 4, 2010
- Presidential Decree #24314, Jan. 16, 2013
- Presidential Decree #24425, Mar. 23, 2013
- Presidential Decree #25751, Nov. 19, 2014
- Presidential Decree #27592, Nov. 22, 2016
- Presidential Decree #28211, July 26, 2017
- Presidential Decree #31380, Jan. 15, 2021
Grand Order of Mugunghwa Decree 무궁화대훈장령 (無窮花大勳章令)
Gulf War Medal Decree 걸프참전 기장령
Honorable Treatment of Persons of Distinguished Services to Independence 독립유공자예우에관한법
- Act # 4856, Dec. 31, 1994
- Act # 5146, Dec. 30, 1995
- Act # 5291, Jan. 13, 1997
- Law #6338, Dec. 30, 2000
- Law #6372, Jan. 16, 2001
- Law #6646, Jan. 26, 2002
- Law #6836, Dec. 30, 2002
- Law #7104, Jan. 20, 2004
- Law #7483, Mar. 31, 2005
- Law #7649, July 29, 2005
- Law #7792, Dec. 29, 2005
- Law #8162, Dec. 30, 2006
- Law #8328, Mar. 29, 2007
- Law #8435, May 17, 2007
- Law #9083, Mar. 28, 2008
- Law #9463, Feb. 6, 2009
- Law #9463, Feb. 6, 2009 일부개정 Partial Revision
- Law #9967, Jan. 25, 2010
- Law #10258, Apr. 15, 2010
- Law #11332, Feb. 17, 2012
- Law #11731, Apr. 5, 2013
- Law #11556, Dec. 18, 2012
- Law #12668, May 21, 2014
- Law #12668, May 21, 2014 일부개정 Partial Revision
- Law #13717, Jan. 6, 2016
- Law #13718, Jan. 6, 2016 타법개정 Other Law Revision
- Law #14257, May 29, 2016
- Law #15030, Oct. 31, 2017
- Law #15341, Dec. 30, 2017
- Law #15341, Dec. 30, 2017 일부개정 Partial Revision
- Law #15550, Apr. 6, 2018
- Law #15550, Apr. 6, 2018 일부개정 Partial Revision
- Law #16193, Dec. 31, 2018
- Law #16427, Apr. 30, 2019
- Law #16828, Dec. 10, 2019
Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, Etc. Distinguished Services to the State 국가유공자등예우및지원등에관한법
- Law # 3742, Aug 2, 1984
- Law # 4072, Dec. 31, 1988
- Law # 4185, Dec. 30, 1989
- Law # 4268, Dec. 27, 1990
- Law # 4457, Dec. 27, 1991
- Law #4685, Dec. 31, 1993
- Law #4817, Dec. 22, 1994
- Law # 4857, Dec. 31, 1994
- Law # 5120, Dec. 29, 1995
- Law # 5291, Jan. 13, 1997
- Law #5499, Jan. 13, 1998
- Law #5482, Dec. 31, 1997
- Law #5675, Jan. 21, 1999
- Law #6011, Aug. 31, 1999
- Law #6339, Dec. 30, 2000
- Law #6372, Jan. 16, 2001
- Law #6400, Jan. 29, 2001
- Law #6290, Dec. 26, 2000
- Law #6339, Dec. 30, 2000
- Law #6627, Jan. 26, 2002
- Law #6648, Jan. 26, 2002
- Law #6920, May 29, 2003
- Law #7104, Jan. 20, 2004
- Law #7106, Jan. 20, 2004
- Law #7120, Jan. 29, 2004
- Law #7646, July 29, 2005 시행 Enforcement July 29, 2005
- Law #7646, July 29, 2005 시행 Enforcement Oct. 30, 2005
- Law #7649, July 29, 2005
- Law #7873, Mar. 3, 2006
- Law #8131, Dec. 28, 2006 시행 Enforcement Jan. 1, 2007
- Law #8131, Dec. 28, 2006 시행 Enforcement Mar. 29, 2007
- Law #8327, Mar. 29, 2007
- Law #8366, Apr. 11, 2007
- Law #8852, Feb. 29, 2008
- Law #8566, July 27, 2007 타법개정 Other Law Revision
- Law #9079, Mar. 28, 2008 시행 Enforcement June 29, 2008
- Law #9079, Mar. 28, 2008 시행 Enforcement Aug. 29, 2008
- Law #9462, Feb. 6, 2009 시행 Enforcement Feb 6, 2009
- Law #9462, Feb. 6, 2009 시행 Enforcement Aug. 7, 2009
- Law #9754, June 6, 2009
- Law #10258, Apr. 15, 2010
- Law #10303, May 17, 2010
- Law #10337, May 31, 2010
- Law #10339, June 4, 2010
- Law #10471, Mar. 29, 2011
- Law #11029, Aug. 4, 2011
- Law #11041, Sept. 15, 2011 시행 Enforcement Sept 15, 2011
- Law #11041, Sept. 15, 2011 시행 Enforcement July 1, 2012
- Law #11141, Dec. 31, 2011
- Law #11330, Feb. 17, 2012
- Law #11452, May 23, 2012
- Law #11556, Dec. 18, 2012
- Law #11572, Dec. 18, 2012
- Law #11690, Mar. 23, 2013
- Law #11731, Apr. 5, 2013
- Law #11817, May 22, 2013
- Law #11849, June 4, 2013
- Law #11945, July 26, 2013
- Law #12386, Jan. 28, 2014
- Law #13196, Feb. 3, 2015
- Law #13425, July 24, 2015
- Law #13605, Dec. 22, 2015
- Law #13606, Dec. 22, 2015
- Law #13609, Dec. 22, 2015
- Law #13697, Dec. 29, 2015
- Law #13717, Jan. 6, 2016
- Law #13718, Jan. 6, 2016
- Law #14170, May 29, 2016
- Law #14255, May 29, 2016 시행 Enforcement May 29, 2016
- Law #14255, May 29, 2016 시행 Enforcement Nov. 30, 2016
- Law #14420, Dec. 20, 2016
- Law #15028, Oct. 31, 2017시 행 Enforcement Oct. 31, 2017
- Law #15028, Oct. 31, 2017 시행 Enforcement May 1, 2018
- Law #15363, Jan. 16, 2018 시행 Enforcement Jan. 16, 2018
- Law #15363, Jan. 16, 2018 시행 Enforcement Apr. 17, 2018
- Law #15702, June 12, 2018
- Law #16192, Dec. 31, 2018
- Law #16426, Apr. 30, 2019
- Law #16659, Nov. 26, 2019
- Law #16851, Dec. 31, 2019
- Law #17114, Mar. 24, 2020
Honorable Treatment of Persons Wounded or Killed for a Righteous Cause Act 의사상자예우에관한법
- Law #2216, Aug. 4, 1970
- Law #4307, Dec. 31, 1990
- Law #5225, Dec. 30, 1996
- Law #5678, Jan. 21, 1990
- Law #6024, Sept. 7, 1999
- Law #6474, May 24, 2001
- Law #8609, Aug. 3, 2007
- Law #8852, Feb. 29, 2008
- Law #9932, Jan. 18, 2010
- Law #11006, Aug. 4, 2011
- Law #12363, Jan. 28, 2014
- Law #13659, Dec. 29, 2015
- Law #14779, Apr. 18, 2017 시행 Enforcement Apr. 18, 2017
- Law #14779, Apr. 18, 2017 시행 Enforcement July 19, 2017
- Law #15897, Dec. 11, 2018
Identification Card Regulations for Foreign Diplomats in Korea 한국주재외국외교관등의신분증급규칙
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #8, June 1, 1953
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #55, May 17, 1969
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #94, Nov. 3, 1975
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #156, Dec. 7, 1991
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade #86, Mar. 6, 2008
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade #114, Feb. 1, 2011
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs #1, Mar. 23, 2013
Korean Veterans Association Law 대한민국 재향군인회법 (大韓民國在鄕軍人會法)
- Law #617, May 10, 1961
- Law #1367, July 19, 1963
- Law #2634, Oct. 10, 1973
- Law #3343, Dec. 31, 1980
- Law #3665, Dec. 21, 1983
- Law #4511, Dec. 2, 1992
- Law #4759, Mar. 24, 1994
- Law #5292, Jan. 13, 1997
- Law #5480, Dec. 24, 1997
- Law #5674, Jan. 21, 1999
- Law #6044, Dec. 28, 1999
- Law #6290, Dec. 26, 2000
- Law #6348, Jan. 8, 2001
- Law #9326, Dec. 31, 2008
- Law #11849, June 4, 2013
- Law #12105, Aug. 13, 2013
- Law #13197, Feb. 3, 2015
- Law #14183, June 29, 2016
- Law #14256, May 29, 2016
Maritime Police – Some quick notes
On November 7, 2014, the South Korean Coast Guard was broken up because of their inadequate response to the MV Sewol Disaster 세월호 침몰 사고.2 President Moon Jae-in announced his plan to re-organize the ministries and government agencies. The South Korean coast guard was revived on July 26, 2017, as an independent, external agency under the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.
Maritime Police (Coast Guard) Civil Service Medal Decree 해양경찰공무원기장수여규칙경
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #747 해양경찰청훈령 제747호, 2009. 8. 25., All revised]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #974 해양경찰청훈령 제974호, 2013. 6. 25., All revised]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #1062 해양경찰청훈령 제1062호, 2014. 6. 3., Some revisions
- Ministry of Public Safety and Security Rule #1 국민안전처훈령 제1호, 2015. 1. 6., Amendment to other laws]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #1 해양경찰청훈령 제1호, 2017. 7. 26., Amendment to other laws
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #130 해양경찰청훈령 제130호, 2019. 7. 10., Partial revision]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #190 해양경찰청훈령 제190호, 2020. 9. 16., All revised]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #252 해양경찰청훈령 제252호, 2021. 10. 12., Partial revision]
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #348 해양경찰청훈령 제348호, 2023. 11. 30., Partial revision]
Maritime Police (Coast Guard) Commendation Rules 해양경찰 표창규칙
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #779 해양경찰청훈령 제779호, June 19, 2010
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #812 해양경찰청훈령 제812호, Oct. 21, 2010
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #1018 해양경찰청훈령 제1018호,Dec. 3, 2013
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #1061 해양경찰청훈령 제1061호, June 3, 2014
- Ministry of Public Safety and Security Rule #112 국민안전처훈령 제112호, Aug. 17, 2015, Abolition
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #126 해양경찰청훈령 제126호, Apr. 25, 2019, Enactment
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #134 해양경찰청훈령 제134호, July 30, 2019
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #194 해양경찰청훈령 제194호, Oct. 16, 2020
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #252 해양경찰청훈령 제252호, Oct. 12, 2021
- Maritime Police Agency Rule #336 해양경찰청훈령 제336호, Oct. 16, 2023
Merit Medal Decree 포장령 (褒章令)
- Presidential Decree #128, Jun. 6, 1949
- Presidential Decree #201, Oct. 11, 1949
- Presidential Decree #446, Jan. 22, 1951
- Presidential Decree #958, Nov. 17, 1954
- Presidential Decree #1176, Sept. 21, 1956
- Presidential Decree #1475, Apr. 10, 1959
- Presidential Decree #1749, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Military Commendation Regulations 군표창규정
- Legislature 각령 #881, July 16, 1962 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 2-3
- Presidential Decree #1616, Jan. 24, 1964
- Presidential Decree #4882, Apr. 9, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 21-23
- Presidential Decree #13809, Dec. 31, 1992 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 105-106
- Presidential Decree #17158, Mar. 27, 2001
- Presidential Decree #24314, Jan. 16, 2013
- Presidential Decree #27619, Nov. 29, 2016
- Presidential Decree #28297, Sept. 19, 2017 and /or Official Gazette
National Emblem Rules 나라문장 규정
- Cabinet Decree #1671, Dec. 10, 1963
- Presidential Decree #5151, July 3, 1970
- Presidential Decree #19513, June 12, 2006
- Presidential Decree #23399, Dec. 28, 2011
National Merited Person Medal Decree 국가유공자기장령
- Presidential Decree #11917, Jun. 9, 1986 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 115-116
- Presidential Decree #15486, Sept.30, 1997
- Presidential Decree #17567, Mar. 30, 2002 and/or Official Gazette Repealed
Official Calendar Law 연호에 관한법
Olympic Service Medal Decree 올림픽기장령

- Presidential Decree #12485, July 4, 1988 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 33-38
- Presidential Decree #26839, Dec. 31, 2015
- Presidential Decree #29950, July 2, 2019
Order of Cultural Merit Merit Decree 문화훈장령 (文化勳章令)
- Presidential Decree #582, Dec. 22, 1951
- Presidential Decree #1299, July 31, 1957
- Cabinet Decree #985, Sep. 29, 1962
- Presidential Decree #1745, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Order of Diplomatic Service Merit Decree 수교훈장령 (樹交勳章令)
- Cabinet Decree #68, July 25, 1961
- Cabinet Decree #420, Jan. 29, 1962
- Presidential Decree #1747, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Order of Industrial Service Merit Decree 산업훈장령 (産業勳章令)
Order of Military Merit Decree 무공훈장령 (武功勳章令)
- Presidential Decree #385, Oct. 18, 1950
- Presidential Decree #427, Dec. 29, 1950
- Presidential Decree #501, May 24, 1951
- Presidential Decree #522, Aug. 19, 1951
- State Council 국무원 Decree #87, Oct. 19, 1960
- Presidential Decree #1743, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Order of National Foundation Merit Decree 건국공로훈장령 (建國功勞勳章令)
- Presidential Decree #82, April 27, 1949
- Presidential Decree #154, Aug. 5, 1949
- Presidential Decree #583, Dec. 22, 1951
- Presidential Decree #1346, Feb. 27, 1958
- Presidential Decree #1742, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Order of Service Merit Decree 근무공로훈장령 (勤務功勞勳章令)
- Cabinet Decree #70, July 26, 1961
- Cabinet Decree #421, Jan. 29, 1962
- Presidential Decree #1748, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Order of the White Star Decree 소성훈장령 (素星勳章令)
- Presidential Decree #586, Jan. 15, 1952
- Presidential Decree #1476, Apr. 10, 1959
- Presidential Decree #1744, Mar. 24, 1964 Repealed
Overcoming National Crisis Medal Decree 국난극복기장령 (Kwangju Massacre May 18, 1980)
- Presidential Decree #10231, Mar. 2, 1981
- Presidential Decree #29091, Aug. 14, 2018 and /or Official Gazette
Paralympic Service Medal Decree 장애자올림픽기장령
- Presidential Decree #12528, Sept 30, 1988 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 68-71
- Presidential Decree #14446, Dec. 23, 1994
- Presidential Decree #20679, Feb. 29, 2008
- Presidential Decree #20904, July 3, 2008 and/or Official Gazette
Peacekeeping Activities Commemoration of Dispatch Medal Decree 평화유지활동군 파병기념 기장령
Police Commendation Enforcement Regulations 경찰표창규정시행규칙

- Ministry of Interior Order 내무부령 #80, May 27, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see pp. 35-37
- Ministry of Interior Order #382, Sept. 29, 1982 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 65-74
- Ministry of Interior Order #543, Sept. 19, 1991 and/or Official Gazette Pp. 5-12
- Ordinance of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 해양수산부령 #8, Jan. 28, 1997 and/or Official Gazette see PP. 13-20
- Ordinance of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 해양수산부령 #133, Aug. 24, 1999
- Ministry of Interior Ordinance 행정자치부령 #77, Dec. 28, 1999
- Ministry of Interior Ordinance 행정자치부령 #120, Jan. 9, 2001 Repeal
- Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 해양수산부 Rule 령 #196, July 25, 2001 Repeal
Police Commendation Rules 경찰 표창 규칙
- Police Commissioner Order 경찰청훈령 #514, Oct. 30, 2007
- Police Commissioner Order #545, July 31, 2009
- Police Commissioner Order #583, Jan. 19, 2010
- Police Commissioner Order #612, Dec. 22, 2010
- Police Commissioner Order #711, Oct. 1, 2013
- Police Commissioner Order #832, June 13, 2017
- Police Commissioner Order #864, Mar. 30, 2018
- Police Commissioner Order #952, Sept. 26, 2019
Police Officers Bereaved Family Medal Decree 경찰관유족기장령
- Presidential Decree #648, Jun. 18, 1952 and/or Official Gazette see Page 1
- Presidential Decree #5096, June 19, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 35-36
- Presidential Decree #13435, July 30, 1991
- Presidential Decree #15136, Aug. 8, 1996
- Presidential Decree #17065, Dec. 30, 2000 and/or Official Gazette see Page 74
Police Officer Civil Service Medal Decree 경찰공무원기장령
- Police Commissioner Decree 경찰청훈령 #342, Dec. 30, 2000
- Police Commissioner Decree #548, July 31, 2009
- Police Commissioner Decree #832, June 13, 2017
Police Officer Medal Decree 경찰관기장령 (Service Medals)
- Presidential Decree #10392, July 18, 1981 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 36-43
- Presidential Decree #11984, Oct. 25, 1986 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 78-80
- Presidential Decree #13435, July 30, 1991
- Presidential Decree #15136, Aug. 8, 1996
- Presidential Decree #17064, Dec. 30, 2000 Repealed
Prison Officers Medal Decree 교도관기장령
- Presidential Decree #10759, Mar. 13, 1982 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 89-94
- Presidential Decree #23662, Mar. 13, 2012
- Ministry of Justice Decree #855, Mar. 19, 2012 Regulations for Awarding Medals to Correctional Officials – Conferment Rules
- Ministry of Justice Decree #1110, June 20, 2017 Regulations on Awarding and Apparel of Correctional Officials, etc.
Proclamation System Decree 공포식령 (公佈式令)
- Presidential Decree #1, Aug. 30, 1948
- Presidential Decree #84, May 5, 1949
- Presidential Decree #129, Jun. 6, 1949
- Presidential Decree #429, Dec. 30, 1950
- Listed items below 법령등공포에관한법률 Act of Promulgation (Formerly Proclamation System Decree)
- Law #1539, Dec. 16, 1963
- Law #2585, Mar. 9, 1973
- Law #3573, Nov. 29, 1982
- Law #5454, Dec. 13, 1997
- Law #8997, Mar. 28, 2008
- Law #10059, Mar. 12, 2010
- Law #15798, Oct. 16, 2018
PyeongChang Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics Medal Decree 평창 동계올림픽 및 동계패럴림픽 기장령
- Presidential Decree #29941, July 2, 2019 and/or Official Gazette
Railway Special Judicial Police 철도특별사법경찰
- Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Directive No. 556, 국토해양부훈령 제556호, 2010. 1. 18., partially revised
- Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Directive No. 898, 국토해양부훈령 제898호, October 4, 2012, partially revised
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Directive No. 17, 국토교통부훈령 제17호, April 12, 2013, partially revised
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Directive No. 327, 국토교통부훈령 제327호, 2014. 1. 2., partially revised
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Directive No. 1409, 국토교통부훈령 제1409호, July 2, 2021, fully revised
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Directive No. 1719, 국토교통부훈령 제1719호, 2024. 2. 15., partially revised
Recommendation Regulations for Decorations to Foreigners 외국인서훈추천규정
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #67, July 31, 1970
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #102, Mar. 21, 1979
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #134, Nov. 2, 2012
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (외교부) Decree #1, Mar. 23, 2013
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #17, Nov. 19, 2014
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #44, Dec. 1, 2016
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree #50, Dec. 29, 2017
Regulations for the Wearing of Orders 훈장패용규정
Regulations on awarding and wearing of firefighting officials medals 소방공무원 기장의 수여 및 패용에 관한 규정
- Fire and Disaster Prevention Administration Order 소방방재청훈령 #8, Jun. 1, 2004
- Ministry of Public Safety and Security Order 민안전처훈령 #1, Jan. 6, 2015
- Fire Department Directive 소방청훈령 #2, July 26, 2017
- Fire Department Directive 소방청훈령 #136, Apr. 1, 2020
- Fire Department Directive 소방청훈령 #156, May 20, 2020
- Fire Department Directive 소방청훈령 #192, Nov. 4, 2020
Regulations on the reproduction of special railroad judicial police officers and awarding of badges, etc. 철도특별사법경찰관 복제 및 기장수여 등에 관한 규정
- Order of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 국토해양부훈령 #556, Jan. 18, 2010
- Order of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs 국토해양부훈령 #898, Oct. 4, 2012
- Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 국토교통부훈령 #17, Apr.12, 2013
- Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 국토교통부훈령 #327, Jan. 2, 2014
- Republic of Korea Service Medal Decree 대한민국 근무기장령
- Presidential Decree #7169, Jun. 4, 1974 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 45-47
- Presidential Decree #17945, March 25, 2003 (대한민국근무기장제식)
Military Bereaved Family Funeral Order 군인유족기장령

Military Bereaved Family Funeral Order 군인유족기장령
- Presidential Decree #470, Apr. 9, 1951 and/or Official Gazette see Page 1
- Presidential Decree #4934, Apr. 20, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 39=40
- Presidential Decree #20571, Jan. 31, 2008 and/or Official Gazette
Soldiers Bereaved Family Medal Enforcement Decree 군인유족기장령시행세칙
- Department of Defense Order 국방부령 #10, July 16, 1951
- Department of Defense Order 국방부령 #186, Sept. 2, 1969 and/or Official Gazette see Page 31
- Department of Defense Order 국방부령 #762, Mar. 30, 2012
Special Measures Act on the Redemption of Independent Public Bonds (Redemption of “Notes of Indebtedness” issued by the ROK Provisional Government)
- Law No. 3669, enacted on December 29, 1983
- Law No. 5420, December 13, 1997, partially revised
- Law No. 8852, February 29, 2008, amended by other laws
- Law No. 9487, March 18, 2009, partially revised
- Law No. 17143, March 31, 2020, partially revised
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Participation Act 국제연합 평화유지활동 참여에 관한 법률
Vietnam Participation Medal Decree 월남참전기장령
- Presidential Decree #2661, July 21, 1966 and /or Official Gazette see Pp. 3-4
- Presidential Decree #4932, Apr. 20, 1970 and/or Official Gazette Pp. 36-38
World Cup Medal 월드컵기장령
- Presidential Decree #17693, July 30, 2002 and/or Official Gazette
- Presidential Decree #21214, Dec. 31, 2008
- Presidential Decree #26839, Dec. 3, 2015
- Presidential Decree #29950, July 2, 2019
Wound Medal Decree 상이기장령 (傷痍記章令)
- Presidential Decree #389, Oct. 24, 1950 and/or Official Gazette see Page 5
- Presidential Decree #594, Jan. 11, 1952 and/or Official Gazette see Page 1
- Presidential Decree #4933, Apr. 20, 1970 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 38=39
- Presidential Decree #24413, Mar. 23, 2013
- Presidential Decree #25435, June 30, 2014
- Presidential Decree #25751, Nov. 19, 2014
- Presidential Decree #28211, July 26, 2017
- Presidential Decrees #33335, 2023. 3. 21
Wound Medal Decree Enforcement Regulations 상이기장령시행규칙
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #12, Oct. 24, 1950 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 5-6
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #185, Sept. 2, 1969 and/or Official Gazette see Pp. 20-21
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #772, June 28, 2012
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #793, Mar. 23, 2013
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #838, Nov. 19, 2014
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #840, Dec. 1, 2014
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #931, Aug. 1, 2017
- Department of Defense 국방부 Decree #1110호, Mar. 23, 2023
- One source says this decree was not enacted until 1911.
- The ferry sank on the morning of April 16, 2014. Out of 476 passengers and crew, the sinking resulted in the Deaths of 304 passengers and crew. An additional 2 rescue divers, and 5 emergency workers, died. There are 5 bodies which were never recovered and remain missing. Among the dead, there were 250 students from Danwon High School in Ansan City.