Order of Service Merit 근정훈장 (勤政勳章)
Currently, the Order of Service Merit is awarded to government employees who have greatly contributed to the national development. Military personnel and civilians working for the military are specifically excluded. There has been a lot of criticism about this Order. Civil servants and school teachers, who have served for 33 years and never been punished for misconduct, receive an Order of Service Merit at the end of their career when they retire. This is considered frivolous by most Koreans.
The Order of Service Merit did not start out with that title. The original order that was designed for government employees is the Order of the White Star. For more information on that order, please go to the Order of Civil Merit Page.
The (Original) Order of Service Merit 근무공로훈장 (勤務功勞勳章)

The original Order of Service Merit was awarded to those who distinguish themselves with outstanding meritorious service to national safety and defense. It is the precursor to the Order of National Security Merit. This Order was created only two months after Park Chung-hee gained power in a military coup. It has been suggested that this Order was originally intended to reward those military personnel and civil servants who actively supported the coup. The consummate politician, he created a non-combat award for what was essentially a combat operation. On the second anniversary of the military coup, then-Chairman Park Chung-hee decorated 22 former high government officials with National Orders of various degrees for “their meritorious services rendered to the country since the May 16th Revolution of 1961.”1 In general, this order was originally a non-combat military award that is available to the military, civilians working for the military, civil servants and foreigners.
This is a difficult area to make sense of. The Order of Service Merit was created in 1961, it was modified in 1962 and again in 1963. On the internet, you can get copies of the original legislation translated into Korean. Unfortunately, these translations are not accurate. For accurate information, you need to go back to the legislation as it is recorded in the Official Gazette. These original documents are in the original Chinese. The most difficult part is the ribbon colors. All of the original colors and ribbon pattern in the 1961 legislation, then in 1962 some colors were changed, and then they were changed again in 1963.

Used to distinguish the various classes, since all classes have the same ribbon colors and pattern. Auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves on the left, auspicious clouds in the center, bamboo leaves on the right.
The Order of Service Merit was established on July 26, 1961, in seven classes by Cabinet Decree #70. There were no specific names for each of the classes, only a number. All seven classes have the same ribbon colors and stripe pattern, yellow with two navy-blue stripes. The ribbon bars all have the same colors and stripe dimensions, namely; navy blue (7 mm), yellow (22 mm) and navy blue (7 mm). On the ribbon bars, to distinguish one class from another, it was necessary to add attachments to six of the seven ribbon bars. The attachments are composed of auspicious clouds 서운 (瑞雲) and/or bamboo leaves 죽엽 (竹葉). The 1st Class has both in gold, and the 2nd Class has both in silver. The 3rd Class has the auspicious clouds in gold, and the 4th Class has the auspicious clouds in silver. The 5th Class has the bamboo leaves in gold, and the 6th Class has the bamboo leaves in silver. There is no attachment on the 7th Class ribbon bar.
The sun rays of the Order symbolize enhancement of national prestige, the five white rays indicate the organization of national safety; the white color, integrity, and innocence; the wreath of bamboo, steadfastness and strong fidelity; the leaves of bamboo, the immobility of high principles and constancy; the ring of stars, plain passion without embellishment and bright noble capacity for unity; the gem-ring, the fruit of faith; the crane, a lucky omen for long life and fortune.

The Classes were not named, only numbered, they were:

- 1st Class Medal 一등장 (一等章 / 일등장) The 80 mm pendant is suspended from an 80 × 1,500 mm sash. The sash has two 15 mm navy blue 군청색 stripes, one on each side of a 50 mm yellow 황색 center stripe. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The breast star has a diameter of 96 mm. The ribbon bar is 36 × 9 mm, with two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, one on each side of a 22 mm center stripe. The ribbon bar has an 18 × 7 mm attachment of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, in gold.
- 2nd Class Medal 二등장 (二等章 / 이등장) The 74 mm pendant is suspended from a 36 × 450 mm cravat. The pendant has a diameter of 74 mm. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The cravat has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The breast star has the diameter as the pendant. The ribbon bar has an 18 × 7 mm attachment of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, in silver.
- 3rd Class Medal 三등장 (三等章 / 삼등장) The 64 mm pendant is suspended from a 36 × 400 mm cravat which has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. There is no breast star. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar matches the colors and widths of the ribbon and has a 13 × 7 mm attachment of auspicious clouds in gold.
- 4th Class Medal 四등장 (四等章 / 사등장) is a breast medal. The pendant has a 56 mm diameter. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a cloud pattern, in white enamel. The 36 × 230 mm ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. There is an 11 × 14 mm star and clouds attachment on the ribbon. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar has a 7 × 13 mm attachment of auspicious clouds in silver.
- 5th Class Medal 四등장 (四等章 / 사등장) is a breast medal with no ribbon attachment. The pendant has a 56 mm diameter. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a cloud pattern, in white enamel. The 36 × 230 mm ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar has a 7 × 7 mm attachment of bamboo leaves in gold.
- 6th Class Medal 六등장 (六等章 / 육등장) is a breast medal with no ribbon attachment. The suspension is a simple ring with no embellishments. The pendant has a diameter of 50 mm. The suspension is a simple 14 mm ring with no embellishments, but possibly gold-plated. The 36 × 230 mm ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar has a 7 × 7 mm attachment of bamboo leaves in silver.
- 7th Class Medal 七등장 (七等章 / 칠등장) is a breast medal with no ribbon attachment. The suspension is a simple ring with no embellishments. The pendant has a diameter of 50 mm. The 36 × 230 mm ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar has no attachment. Except for the ribbon bar and possibly the suspension ring, the medal is identical in size and shape to the 6th Class. The only way to tell the difference is to look for the words 七등 on the reverse.

This is an interesting medal. For one, there is no attachment on the ribbon bar which would indicate that it was a 7th Class. Secondly, the suspension between the ribbon and planchet is a cloud pattern, indicating that it is not a 6th or 7th class. Third, for a 6th class, on both the 1961 and 1962 series, the ribbon colors should be navy blue (7 mm) yellow (22 mm) and navy blue (7 mm). Fourth, The colors and stripe pattern on this ribbon are only found on the 1963 series, 2nd class and the 5th Class. Fifth, the class is usually cast on the reverse of the pendant in Chinese “六”, but this medal has a “6” punched into the planchet. I obtained the pictures of this medal from the son-in-law of the recipient, so I know that these modifications were done by the Korean government and not done to deceive potential buyers.
There were several changes that were made to the Order of Service Merit on Jan. 29, 1962 by Cabinet Decree #421. In general, all the pendants are smaller, and some ribbon colors were changed. The ribbon bar colors and stripes are similar to the pattern found on the ribbons of each class. Since various classes of this series have identical ribbons, it was necessary to continue using the ribbon bar attachments from the previous series.
- 1st Class Medal 一등장 (一等章 / 일등장) The pendant has a 60 mm diameter and is suspended from an 85 × 1,900 mm sash. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The sash has two 15 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 55 mm yellow center stripe. The breast star has a 75 mm diameter. The 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. There is a 7 × 18 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 2nd Class Medal 二등장 (二等章 / 이등장) The pendant has a 56 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 650 mm cravat. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The colors on the cravat are light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm), light blue (6 mm), white (2 mm), light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm) and light blue (6 mm). The breast star has a 70 mm diameter. The colors on the 9 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the colors and widths of the cravat. There is a 7 × 18 mm silver attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 3rd Class Medal 三등장 (三等章) 삼등장 The pendant has a 56 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 500 mm cravat. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The colors of the cravat are white (3 mm), light green (7 mm), white (2 mm), green (11 mm), white (2 mm), light green (7 mm) and white (3 mm). There is no breast star. The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar colors match the cravat. There is a 7 × 13 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds, the same as the previous series.
- 4th Class Medal 四등장 (四等章 / 사등장) The pendant has a 50 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a cloud pattern, in white enamel. The breast ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the breast ribbon. There is a 7 × 13 mm silver attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds, the same as the previous series.
- 5th Class Medal 五등장 (五等章 / 오등장) The pendant has a 50 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a cloud pattern, in white enamel. The ribbon colors are light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm), light blue (6 mm), white (2 mm), light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm) and light blue (6 mm). The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the breast ribbon. There is a 7 × 7 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 6th Class Medal 六등장 (六等章) 육등장) The pendant has a 45 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The suspension is a simple 14 mm ring with no embellishments, possibly gold-plated. The breast ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the breast ribbon. There is a 7 × 7 mm silver attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 7th Class Medal 七등장 (七等章 / 칠등장) The pendant has a 40 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The suspension is a simple 14 mm ring with no embellishments. The breast ribbon colors are white (3 mm) light green (7 mm), white (2 mm), green (12 mm), white (2 mm), light green (7 mm) and white (3 mm). The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the breast ribbon. There is no attachment to the ribbon bar, the same as the previous series.
On Dec. 14, 1963, changes were made to the Order of Service Merit by Decorations Law #1519. The 6th and 7th classes were abolished. The 1st and 4th classes still had the same color ribbons, so the ribbon bar attachments continued to be used.
- 1st Class Medal 一등장 (一等章 / 일등장) The pendant has a 60 mm diameter and is suspended from an 85 × 1,900 mm sash. The sash has two 15 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 55 mm yellow center stripe. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The breast star has a 75 mm diameter. The 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. There is a 7 × 18 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 2nd Class Medal 二등장 (二等章 / 이등장) The pendant has a 56 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 650 mm cravat. The colors on the cravat are light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm), light blue (6 mm), white (2 mm), light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm) and light blue (6 mm). The light blue color of the ribbon symbolizes innocent character; the red color, bravery and progressive passion; and the white, neatness and innocence. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel. The breast star has a 70 mm diameter. The colors on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar match the colors and widths of the cravat. There is a 7 × 18 mm silver attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series.
- 3rd Class Medal 三등장 (三等章) 삼등장 The pendant has a 52 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The colors of the ribbon are white (3 mm), light green (7 mm), white (2 mm), green (12 mm), white (2 mm), light green (7 mm) and white (3 mm). The white color of the ribbon symbolizes neatness and innocence; light green, sagacity; and green, peace and equality. There is no breast star. The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar colors match the cravat. There is a 7 × 13 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds and bamboo leaves. The 20 × 23 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel.
- 4th Class Medal 四등장 (四等章 / 사등장) The pendant has a 50 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The breast ribbon has two 7 mm navy-blue stripes, with one on each side of a 22 mm yellow center stripe. The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar colors match the breast ribbon. There is a 7 × 13 mm silver attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of auspicious clouds, the same as the previous series. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a star and cloud pattern, in white enamel.
- 5th Class Medal 五등장 (五等章 / 오등장) The pendant has a 45 mm diameter and is suspended from a 36 × 46 mm breast ribbon. The ribbon colors are light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm), light blue (6 mm), white (2 mm), light blue (6 mm), black (5 mm) and light blue (6 mm). The colors and widths on the 11 × 36 mm ribbon bar colors match the breast ribbon. There is a 7 × 13 mm gold attachment to the ribbon bar, composed of bamboo leaves, the same as the previous series. The 18 × 20 mm suspension is composed of a cloud pattern, in white enamel. The light blue of the ribbon symbolizes integrity; the red color, bravery and progressive passion; and the white color, neatness, and integrity.

Noonans Mayfair Auction, Feb. 15, 2023, Lot #551
Sold for £2400 plus 24% Buyer’s Fee and VAT
The stated Pendant and Breast star measurements are different from the legislation but are close to the 1962 and 1963 Series

Had there been a white star and auspicious clouds attachment on the ribbon, this would have been either a 1961 or 1962 series.
The (New) Order of Service Merit 근정훈장 (勤政勳章)
On Feb. 28, 1967, the name of the Order was shortened and the focus of this Order was changed by Presidential Decree #2929. The original Order of Service Merit was awarded to those who distinguish themselves with outstanding meritorious service to national safety and defense. It was the precursor to the Order of National Security Merit. This new Order of Service Merit was to be awarded to government employees who had greatly contributed to the national development through their outstanding performance of duties. It specifically excluded the military and the civilian employees of the military. Perhaps a better title for this order would be the “Order of Civil Servant Merit”. The various classes for the Order of Service Merit now had the names that were previously used on the 1951 and 1963 series of the Order of the White Star. Each class has a 38 × 10 mm ribbon bar, and a round 17 mm lapel pin. The color and stripe pattern found on the ribbons are mimicked on the ribbon bar.

Yellow Stripes Medal
1967 Series
The new Class names were:
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章). The pendant for the 1st Class has a diameter of 60 mm. It is mounted on a solid Navy-blue 군청색 sash, measuring 80 × 1,700 mm. There is a double dragon suspension measuring 20 × 22 mm. The breast star has a diameter of 70 mm. There is a solid navy-blue, 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar. The lapel pin is round and measures 17 mm.
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章) – Women’s size. The pendant has a diameter of 45 mm. It is mounted on a solid Navy-blue sash measuring 70 × 1,700 mm. There is a double dragon suspension measuring 14 × 16 mm. The breast star has a major diameter of 50 mm. The ribbon bar and lapel pin are identical to the men’s size.
- Yellow Stripes Medal 황조근장 (黃條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 56 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 600 mm cravat. The double dragon suspension measures 18 × 20 mm. The cravat colors are navy-blue 군청색 (1 mm), yellow 황색 (7 mm), navy-blue (22 mm), yellow (7 mm) and navy-blue (1 mm). There are two 1 mm navy-blue edge stripes. The breast star has a diameter of 62. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The lapel pin is round and measures 17 mm.
- Red Stripes Medal 홍조근장 (紅條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 52 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 600 mm cravat. The double dragon suspension measures 16 × 18 mm. The ribbon colors are: navy-blue (4 mm), yellow (5 mm), navy-blue (20 mm), yellow (5 mm) and navy-blue (4 mm). There is no breast star. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The lapel pin is round and measures 17 mm.
- Green Stripes Medal 녹조근장 or 록조근장 (錄條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 46 mm. It is mounted on an 11 × 38 mm (in the original documents) breast ribbon. The ribbon has a rosette and the colors are: blue (3 mm), yellow (2 mm), blue (2 mm), yellow (2 mm), blue (20 mm), yellow (2 mm), blue (2 mm), yellow (2 mm) and blue (3 mm). The double dragon suspension measures 16 × 16 mm. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The lapel pin is round and measures 17 mm.
- Aquamarine Stripes Medal 옥조근장 (玉條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 40 mm. It is mounted on an 11 × 38 mm (in the original documents) breast ribbon. There is no rosette on the drape. The double dragon suspension measures 12 × 14 mm. The ribbon colors are: blue (5 mm), yellow (2 mm), blue (24 mm), yellow (2 mm) and blue (5 mm). There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The lapel pin is round and measures 17 mm.

The Order of Service Merit was amended by Presidential Decree #4466, on Dec. 19. 1969. For the 1969 Series, there is only one small difference from the earlier 1967 series. In the previous series, the lapel pin was a round 17 mm disc, but in 1969, it was changed to a 12 × 8 mm rectangle. The new lapel pins mimic the stripes on the ribbon bar. All other features of the 1969 Series are identical to the 1967 Series.
On Nov. 17, 1970, a new Decorations Law Enforcement Decree 상훈법시행령, Presidential Decree #5388 was issued. No changes were made to the Order of Service merit. All dimensions, colors, etc., remained the same as the previous Decree.
On Jan. 14, 1971, a new Decorations Law Enforcement Decree 상훈법시행령, Presidential Decree #5480 was issued. No changes were made to the Order of Service merit. All dimensions, colors, etc., remained the same as the previous Decree.
Decorations Law Enforcement Decree #5688, was issued on June 30, 1971. It made some minor changes to the Order of Service Merit. All the physical dimensions for the pendants and breast stars, of this 1971 Series, are identical to the 1967, 1969, 1970 and Jan. 1971 Series. The only changes are to the ribbons, their colors, and widths.

Green stripes, 1971 Series
Photo courtesy of Emmanual Halleux
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章). The pendant for the 1st Class has a diameter of 60 mm. It is mounted on a solid 80 × 1,700 mm sash. The sash colors are: yellow 황색 (2 mm), red 적색 (10 mm), white 백색 (3 mm), yellow (50 mm), white (3 mm), red (10 mm), and yellow (2 mm). There is a double dragon suspension measuring 20 × 22 mm. The breast star has a diameter of 70 mm. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar. The colors of the ribbon bar are: yellow (1 mm), red (6 mm), white (1.5 mm), yellow (21 mm), white (1.5 mm), red (6 mm), and yellow (1 mm). The Lapel Pin is 8 × 12 mm, but no dimensions are given for the stripe widths. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章) – Women’s size. The pendant has a diameter of 45 mm. There is a double dragon suspension measuring 14 × 16 mm. The pendant is mounted on a 65 × 1,700 mm sash. The sash colors are: yellow 황색 (1 mm), red 적색 (10 mm), white 백색 (3 mm), yellow (35 mm), white (3 mm), red (10 mm), and yellow (1 mm). The breast star has a major diameter of 50 mm. The ribbon bar and lapel pin mimic the stripe pattern and widths of the sash, but no measurements are given. The legislation says that they are identical to the men’s size. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
- Yellow Stripes Medal 황조근장 (黃條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 56 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 600 mm cravat. The double dragon suspension measures 18 × 25? mm. The cravat colors are yellow (2 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (10 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (1 mm), red (2 mm), and yellow (2 mm). The breast star has a diameter of 62. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The Lapel Pin is 8 × 12 mm, but no dimensions are given for the stripe widths. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
- Red Stripes Medal 홍조근장 (紅條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 52 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 600 mm cravat. The double dragon suspension measures 16 × 18 mm. The ribbon colors are: Yellow 2, Red 1.5, Yellow 1.5, Red 11.5, Yellow 1.5, Red 1.5, Yellow 19, Red 1.5, Yellow 1.5, Red 1.5, Yellow 1.5, Red 1.5, Yellow 2 There is no breast star. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The Lapel Pin is 8 × 12 mm, but no dimensions are given for the stripe widths. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
- Green Stripes Medal 녹조근장 or 록조근장 (錄條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 46 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 50 breast ribbon. The ribbon has a rosette and the colors are: yellow (2 mm), red (2 mm), yellow (2 mm), red (2 mm), yellow 22, red (2 mm), yellow (2 mm), red (2 mm), and yellow (2 mm). The double dragon suspension measures 16 × 16 mm. There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The Lapel Pin is 8 × 12 mm, but no dimensions are given for the stripe widths. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
- Aquamarine Stripes Medal 옥조근장 (玉條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 40 mm. It is mounted on a 38 × 50 mm breast ribbon. There is no rosette on the drape. The double dragon suspension measures 12 × 14 mm. The ribbon colors are: Yellow (2 mm), red (2.5 mm), yellow (29 mm), red (2.5 mm), and yellow (2 mm). There is a 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar which mimics the cravat colors and their width dimensions. The Lapel Pin is 8 × 12 mm, but no dimensions are given for the stripe widths. The only change has been to the ribbon colors and their widths.
On Dec. 27, 1971, a new Decorations Law Enforcement Decree 상훈법시행령, Presidential Decree #5895 was issued. There were no changes to the Order of Service Merit. The only change was the inclusion of the approved methods for wearing Orders and Medals.
On Nov. 1, 1973, Presidential Decree #6916 was issued. The new Decorations Law Enforcement Decree made significant changes to the Order of Service Merit. The names of the classes remained the same, but the designs for the pendants and breast stars were changed, as well as the ribbon colors. This series is very similar to the current Order of Service Merit with only a couple of minor changes. Probably the most significant difference is that the current series has no production numbers on the reverse. The pendant for the women’s 1st Class has the same weight and dimensions as the 3rd, 4th and 5th Class pendants. There is a Mugunghwa Flower in the center of the lapel pin, but not on the ribbon bar.
The two dragon heads on the suspension device signify loftiness. The clouds at the bottom of the dragon means exalted mental strength. The sun’s rays symbolize the heightened dignity of the country. The red plate in the center symbolizes loyalty. The three red wings refer to the unifying power of hard work. The dotted circle means solidarity and unity. The Mugunghwa (flower) symbolizes the ROK. The orange color of the ribbon indicates vigor and development, while red indicates loyalty.
The Classes are:
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 60 mm and weighs 32 grams. The solid dark orange 짙은오랜지색 colored sash is 80 × 1700 mm. The double dragon suspension is 23 × 27 mm in size. The breast star has a major diameter of 70 mm and weighs 45.4 grams. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has two red stripes, with one on each side of an orange center stripe. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin also has two wide stripes, with one on each side of an orange center stripe. The legislation does not give any dimensions for the stripe widths on either the ribbon bar or lapel pin.
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章) – Sized for Women 숙녀용. The pendant has a major diameter of 50 mm and weighs 26.7 grams. The double dragon suspension is 13 × 23 mm in size. The orange sash is 65 × 1700 mm in size. The breast star has a major diameter of 55 mm and weighs 29.3 grams. The ribbon bar and lapel pin are identical to the men’s size.
- Yellow Stripes Medal 황조근장 (黃條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 55 mm and weighs 29.3 grams. The cravat is 38 × 600 mm and has eight 1.5 mm red 적색 stripes, with four on each side of a 13 mm orange 주황색 center stripe. The double dragon suspension is 20 × 23 mm in size. The breast star has a major diameter of 60 mm and weighs 32 grams. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin mimics the stripes of the cravat, but the legislation does not give any dimensions.
- Red Stripes Medal 홍조근장 (紅條勤章). The pendant has a major diameter of 50 mm and weighs 26.7 grams. The cravat is 38 × 600 mm and has six 1.5 mm red stripes, with three on each side of a 17 mm orange center stripe. The double dragon suspension is 13 × 23 mm in size. There is no breast star. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin mimics the stripes of the cravat, but the legislation does not give any dimensions.
- Green Stripes Medal 녹조근장 or 록조근장 (錄條勤章). The pendant has the same major diameter and weight as the 3rd Class pendant. It is suspended from the 38 × 100 mm breast ribbon by a 13 × 23 mm double dragon suspension. The breast ribbon is 38 × 100 mm and has four 1.5 mm red stripes, with two on each side of a 24 mm orange center stripe. There is a rosette on the drape. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin mimics the stripes of the cravat, but the legislation does not give any dimensions.
- Aquamarine Stripes Medal 옥조근장 (玉條勤章). The pendant has the same major diameter and weight as the 3rd and 4th class pendants. It is suspended from the 38 × 100 mm breast ribbon by a 13 × 23 mm double dragon suspension. The breast ribbon is 38 × 100 mm and has two 2 mm red stripes, with one on each side of a 30 mm orange center stripe. There is a rosette on the drape. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin mimics the stripes of the cravat, but the legislation does not give any dimensions.
On Jan. 23, 1984, modifications were made to the Order of Service Merit under Presidential Decree #11336 (Decorations Law Enforcement Decree). The general appearance of the pendants and breast stars remained the same. There is a Mugunghwa Flower in the center of the lapel pin, but not on the ribbon bar.
The Classes are:
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 70 mm and weighs 71 grams. The solid orange 주황색 colored sash is 80 × 1,800 mm. The double dragon suspension is 24 mm. The breast star has a major diameter of 80 mm and weighs 85.5 grams. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has two 6 mm red 적색 stripes, with one on each side of a 24 mm orange center stripe. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin has two 1.5 mm red stripes, with one on each side of a 4 mm orange center stripe.
- Blue Stripes Medal 청조근장 (靑條勤章) – Sized for Women 숙녀용. The pendant has a diameter of 50 mm and weighs 38.5 grams. The solid orange sash is 65 × 1700 mm in size. The double dragon suspension is 17.1 mm. The breast star has a major diameter of 55 mm and weighs 43.5 grams. The ribbon bar and lapel pin are identical to the men’s size.
- Yellow Stripes Medal 황조근장 (黃條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 60 mm and weighs 51 grams. The cravat is 38 × 600 mm and has eight 1.5 mm red stripes, with four on each side of a 13 mm orange center stripe. The double dragon suspension is 20.6 mm. The breast star has a major diameter of 70 mm and weighs 67 grams. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin has eight 0.2 mm red stripes, with four on each side of a 4 mm orange center stripe.
- Red Stripes Medal 홍조근장 (紅條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 50 mm and weighs 36 grams. The cravat is 38 × 600 mm and has six 1.5 mm red stripes, with three on each side of a 19 mm orange center stripe. The double dragon suspension is 17.1 mm. There is no breast star. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin has six 0.2 mm red stripes, with four on each side of a 4 mm orange center stripe.
- Green Stripes Medal 녹조근장 or 록조근장 (錄條勤章). The pendant has a diameter of 50 mm and weighs 34.5 grams. The double dragon suspension is 17.1 mm. The breast ribbon is 38 × 100 mm and has four 1.5 mm red stripes, with two on each side of a 24 mm orange center stripe. There is a rosette on the drape. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin has four 0.3 mm red stripes, with two on each side of a 5 mm orange center stripe.
- Aquamarine Stripes Medal 옥조근장 (玉條勤章). The pendant has the same diameter and weight as the 4th Class pendant. The double dragon suspension is 17.1 mm. The breast ribbon is 38 × 100 mm and has two 2 mm red stripes, with one on each side of a 30 mm orange center stripe. There is a rosette on the drape. The 10 × 38 mm ribbon bar has the same stripe pattern and widths as the cravat. The 8 × 12 mm lapel pin has two 0.5 mm red stripes, with two on each side of a 5 mm orange center stripe.
Since 1984, the Decorations Law Enforcement Decree has been changed 19 times. The current legislation is Decree #30517 and was enacted on March 10, 2020. In the intervening years, the only major change was to the Order of Service Merit, Blue Stripes Medal (sized) for Ladies. It was found to be discriminatory and was dropped in 2016.2 All the other sizes, patterns, etc., of the 1984 legislation, are still in effect.

(1st Class)

(2nd Class)

(3rd Class)

녹조근장 or 록조근장
(4th Class)

(5th Class)