The Korean Empire
- Early Yi Dynasty Awards
- Horse Warrants Ma P’ae
- The Orders of the Korean Empire
- Rarity Guide for Korean Orders
- An Eight Trigrams Mystery
- Korean Empire Award Documents
- Empire Orders Found in Pictures
- Reproductions of Korean Empire Orders
- Commemorative Coin Charms
- Commemorative Coins
- Commemorative Medals of the Korean Empire
- Medals of the 1907 Japanese Imperial Tour
- Other Medals of the Korean Empire
- Korean Empire Expositions
ROK Miscellany
- Award Replacement
- Korean Medal Collections
- Methods of Wear
- Miniature Medals
- One Mystery Solved
- Order of Military Merit Oddities
- Research Needed
Research Aids
Korea during the Japanese Occupation
- The 1894-95 Sino-Japanese War Medal
- The 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War Medal
- The 1910 Annexation Medal
- Japanese Census Medals
- Colonial Expositions 1910-1945
- Colonial Badges and Fobs
- Colonial Sports
- Koreans During WWII
- Korean Provisional Government and Army
- Koreans in Japan Today
- Australia
- Belgium and Luxembourg
- Canada
- Colombia
- Denmark
- England
- Ethiopia
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- India
- Italy
- Japan
- Korea, North
- Korea, South
- Malaysia
- Netherlands
- Neutral Nations Reparation Commission
- Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Philippines
- South Africa, Union of
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Turkey
- United Nations
- United States
- USSR, Russia
The Republic of Korea
- A Brief Introduction to the Award System of the Republic of Korea
- Korea 1945-1950
- Orders of Merit
- The Grand Order of Mugunghwa 무궁화대훈장
- The Order of National Foundation 건국훈장
- The Order of Civil Merit 국민훈장
- The Order of Military Merit 무공훈장
- The Order of Service Merit 근정훈장
- The Order of National Security Merit 보국훈장
- The Order of Diplomatic Service merit 수교훈장
- The Order of Industrial Service Merit 산업훈장
- The Order of Saemaeul Service Merit 새마을훈장
- The Order of Cultural Merit 문화훈장
- The Order of Sports Merit 체욕훈장
- The Order of Science and Technology Merit 과학기술훈장
- Serial Numbers
- Medals of Merit
- Commendations
- Ki Jang Medals
- Fire Department Service Medals
- “Hero Of the Nation” Medal
- Military Medals
- Armed Forces Foundation Commemoration Medal
- Guerilla Warfare Service Medal
- Korean War Military Badges
- Korean War Service Medal
- Overcoming National Crisis Medal
- Peace Keeping Operations (PKO) Medal
- Republic of Korea Service Medal
- Soldiers Bereaved Family Medal
- Tiger Brigade Medal
- Vietnam Participation Medal
- Wound Medals
- Police Medals
- Presidential Medals
- Prison Guard Medals
- Red Cross
- Sports Medals
- Korean Youth League
- Award Documents
- Misc. Badges, Fobs, and Pendants
- Non-Governmental Medals (Misc.)
- National Medal of Merit
- Naturalization and Honorary Citizenship
- The ROK and Leftist Koreans