The colored drawings used on my Korean Empire web pages are taken from the book 舊韓國勳章圖 (구한국훈장도) “Former Korea Honors and Decorations” which is located in the National Library of Korea 국립중앙도서관.1

The original Drawings from the book can also be viewed at Namu Wiki. If you right-click on the images and select “Open image in new tab” you will get a full-sized picture.
The book was originally published by 刊寫地未詳 (간사지미상). The date of publication appears to be Taisho 13.2.22 (Feb. 22, 1924). The 古0389 within the stamp refers to “Antiquity 0389” (고0389).
For a nearly complete list of award recipients, see the book “Korean Empire Era, Decoration System” 대한제국시대 훈장제도. It does not list recipients who were part of the royal family, and it does not list the recipients of the Commemorative Medals 기념장.2