The website “eMedals” was fortunate enough to be the auction venue for the “Michael Quigley Collection: Orders of the Japanese Empire & Associated States”. The collection was sold in two separate auctions (Sept. 12, 2022 and Oct. 9, 2023). I present here some pictures from Mr. Quigley’s Korean Collection. These pictures were selected because of the detail shown. The website for eMedals has been redesigned. Some original auction pictures can still be viewed at the new eMedals Website, specifically at: M. Quigley Collection. This link will also allow you to see some of his collection of Japanese Orders. Hopefully, in time, eMedals will put the remaining pictures back online. In addition to the two auctions, Mr. Quigley sold several items privately to collectors, and he was kind enough to provide pictures of those items. You will find those pictures below the auction pictures.
Michael Quigley, is a longtime collector and member of the Orders & Medals Society of America (OMSA). His medal collection was primarily focused on Japan, the Korea Empire (1900-1910), and Manchukuo. He is also a well-known and respected collector of Japanese swords. Mr. Quigley has contributed to multiple OMSA publications. He also provided his expertise for the re-publication of the James W. Peterson Monograph; “Orders and Medals of Japan and Associated States”. Many illustrations in the updated 3rd edition (published in 2000) were from his collection.
Michael Quigley Auction – Part I – Sept. 12, 2022
The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Golden Measure 大勳位金尺大綬正章 (대훈위 금척대수정장)*

The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Auspicious Stars 大勳位瑞星大綬正章 (대훈위 서성대수정장)

The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Plum Blossom 大勳位李花大綬正章 (대훈위이화대수정장)*

The Order of Taeguk, 1st Class 太極大綬正章, 一等 (태극대수정장, 일등)*

The Order of Taeguk, 1st Class Sash 太極大綬正章, 一等 (태극대수정장, 일등)
There were two separate lots of 1st Class Sashes. Lot #M0530-25, Lot #M0530-26.

The Order of Taeguk, 5th Class 太極大綬正章, 五等(태극대수정장, 오등)

The Order of Taeguk, 6th Class 太極大綬正章, 六等 (태극대수정장, 육등)*

The Order of the Eight Trigrams, 2nd Class, Breast Star 八卦大綬正章, 二等, 副章 (팔괘대수정장, 이등, 부장)

The Order of the Eight Trigrams, 3rd Class 八卦大綬正章, 三等 (팔괘대수정장, 삼등)*

The Order of the Eight Trigrams, 4th Class 八卦大綬正章, 四等 (팔괘대수정장, 사등)

The Order of the Eight Trigrams, 6th Class 八卦大綬正章, 六等 (팔괘대수정장, 육등)*

Order of the Auspicious Phoenix 瑞鳳大綬正章 (서봉대수정장)*
To date, the only known sash and fitted case

Michael Quigley Auction – Part II – Oct 9, 2023
You can use the number in the parenthesis to locate the original listing on eMedals.

The following Korean Orders were sold privately by Mr. Quigley.
The Order of the Eight Trigrams, 1st Class 八卦大綬正章, 一等 (팔괘대수정장, 일등)*

太極大綬正章, 四等
(태극대수정장, 사등) *

八卦大綬正章, 五等
(팔괘대수정장, 오등)*
The following Commemorative Medals were sold privately by Mr. Quigley.